email issues with blackberry 8300 (curve)

Anyone else having issues emailing pics in from a Blackberry Curve (8300)? They complete sending, but never show up in my Email gallery...
About the name: Mitchie (a nickname from my Mom), my wife Bonnie added the Moo.
format and they're not accepted by Smug. Check the upload status in your
control panel and you'll see the errors there.
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Wow -- thanks for the tip, I had not even discovered that section of the CP. I'll try again here in a minute and see what she says (didn't have any errors from the past couple of days, but that's my own fault -- fixed that).
I'm having this problem too. Nothing is showing up in the error log on SM. I did a little test. I emailed a photo from my blackberry curve to my email account - no problem. However, if I take that emailed photo and attach it to a new email (not a forward) and email it to my account it won't work.
Additionaly, if I try to use the SM uploaded and upload that file, it says everything is ok, but it doesn't actually upload.
Here's the weird part. If I use the SM uploader and copy the file directly out of my curve, then it will upload just fine. I compared the details of the emailed file and the copied file and they're exactly the same.
I am stumped.
Can you email the same file from a desktop PC and have it show up? It's worth figuring out whether it's the blackberry email that's different, the JPEG that's different or Smug's email accepter isn't working.
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format. This a direct email upload from pocketpc or desktop.
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maybe your phone gives it a funny extension?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter's definitely a jpg (it uploads fine if I upload it straight out of the phone through the USB connection.) It has something to do with the email process from the Blackberry. There may be a setting in the Blackberry Enterprise Server... I'll check that and let you know.
another if I open and save it will upload.
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I have the same problem with my curve. However, it only seems to be a problem if I send it through my account on my company's BES server. If I send it via my personal account (using standard SMTP), the photos come through.
If I sent a pic taken by the phone camera to my smugmug account, the Email gallery is created, but nothing goes into it. The upload log shows nothing.
If I send the same pic taken by the phone camera to my gmail account, it goes through just fine.
If I send a different pic from my gmail account to smugmug, it does show up in my Email gallery.
If I send that same exact pic that was taken by my phone and use my gmail account to send it to smumug, it DOES show up in my Email gallery.
I have no options available for changing the message format.
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In the end, Smugmug has to decide if they want their email gateway to work with a wide variety of phones and if they do, then they are going to have to track down why it doesn't work when there's a problem. Since none of us can change the way Blackberry does things, the only possible solution here is for Smugmug to adapt. Ball's in their court to decide whether this is something they want to investigate and put in the effort to figure out if it can be made to work.
Being tolerant of all forms of legal MIME is not a perfectly easy job though there are likely some pretty good server-side libraries that do most of the work for you. Being tolerant of all forms of common MIME (which include some things that are not legal) is what you actually have to do if you want good interoperability with a wide range of devices. Since there's no spec out there for what you have to do to achieve this, you only get there by investigating problems one by one and hardening your code each time you find one.
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I'm using an LG Shine though, not a Blackberry.
It's nothing critical from my perspective, but it would be nice if it worked right in Smugmug. Outlook, Hotmail, and Gmail all show the pics. It works in Flickr too :cry
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Hi kids... just my two cents...
I have not used the email way of uploading... but I do have an AT&T Tilt with Windows Mobile 6.1...
I've been able to upload single pictures using "old faithful" from my Tilt... although I have not tired doing more than one picture... It was something that I took with my phone and wanted to try out the Opera browser.
Just thought I'd share this with the Pocket PC kids as I don't have and IPhone or the SmugMug IPhone app... (wishfully thinking that someone would make a small Windows Mobile app for us non IPhone kids)
I use a little bit of everything gear wise...
Nikon/Canon/Sony/GoPro/Insta360º/Mavic 2 Pro
There was tons more characters like that, and then it ended with this
I've tested with Gmail, Hotmail, Exchange/Outlook, and Flickr and the photos show up just fine with all of those.