Thunder Over Nampa Airshow
A few from yesterday's Father's Day air show in Nampa, ID. Can you catch the hawk that was hovering around most of the day in one of these shots?

Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered by anybody to this country and to mankind is to bring up a family. - George Bernard Shaw
I see the hawk - last shot
The second shot is rather cool with the landing gear being retracted.
NIce work bauerman
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Hey a fellow Boiseian here on Dgrin! Do you normally attend the airshows in Nampa and/or Mountain Home each year? I think that they are great opportunities to test the limits of our equipment in many ways.
Thanks for taking a look - this past Sunday was just great weather and the airshow was a good one.
Thanks for having a look Skippy......yeah the hawk was hovering around in that position for a number of performances. Everyone was worried about it.....but it seemed to know when to move.
That was my favorite shot as well - with the gear in 'mid-retract' as well. It's always challenging to shoot airshows. I used AI Servo and burst mode for most of the day. Seemed to work out ok.
Dgrin that I know of. We are actually in Meridian.
I go to airshows when I can. Love Aircraft. I've been several times to
the Warhawk air museum. Been awhile though. Difficult to get flight
pictures there because of the backlighting around noonish.
Your P51 flight photos are better than what I managed by the runway.
Love to try getting better shots than what I have from there now.
Cool - there are a number of us Ada County members it seems then! That is good to know. I am actually in Eagle, but Boise is just easier to explain!
I won some tickets to the Warhawk Air Museum at my son's school this past year and need to use them one of these weekends. It should be much easier to get shots of those aircraft.
The interior of the Warhawk museum is sooooo nice &
very rich for subjects to shoot. I think it may be possible to get with
mgt. there and perhaps find out when the occasional interesting aircraft
might fly in.