GARBO Teaser B/W
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Hi every one, love this feature on Smugmug.
Been a Director and Photographer is great to be able to post both on the same site, great Job on getting it together.
I like to treat you to my Directorial Debut with the Shooting of the Teaser for "GARBO" based on the life of the great G.G. in the early twenties.
This was shot on what I consider the Best Digital Cinema Camera available, the RED ONE!
It was great working together with everyone involved in this project, won't list all of them, they are on the Credits.
Also this was the first time I used Photography technics to light a set for a Film shoot, all that was used here are 4 BRUTE 9 LEDz fixtures, do to the high demand of the fixtures in backorder, Malcolm from LEDz, was only able to bring 4 of them,.
View Behind the scene pics below.
Hope you enjoyed and like it!
NOTE: Clip is highly compressed here so enlarging to full screen on a 30" Cinema Display will degrade the picture, don't go to full screen if your monitor is larger the 23"!
Hi every one, love this feature on Smugmug.
Been a Director and Photographer is great to be able to post both on the same site, great Job on getting it together.
I like to treat you to my Directorial Debut with the Shooting of the Teaser for "GARBO" based on the life of the great G.G. in the early twenties.
This was shot on what I consider the Best Digital Cinema Camera available, the RED ONE!
It was great working together with everyone involved in this project, won't list all of them, they are on the Credits.
Also this was the first time I used Photography technics to light a set for a Film shoot, all that was used here are 4 BRUTE 9 LEDz fixtures, do to the high demand of the fixtures in backorder, Malcolm from LEDz, was only able to bring 4 of them,.
View Behind the scene pics below.
Hope you enjoyed and like it!
NOTE: Clip is highly compressed here so enlarging to full screen on a 30" Cinema Display will degrade the picture, don't go to full screen if your monitor is larger the 23"!