evoryware, I am trying to grasp the full meaning of that icon. cute, though.
As for the pic, i think it could be a great one with a little ps magic. color balance a little more true. maybe a little levels or curves to pull up the brightness of model while leaving the blacks black.
Have you considered a tighter crop to give the purple one more energy? Nice use a fabric. I heart fabric.
Blue fabric one Neat eyes and sparkles on the fabric Love the colours!
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
evoryware, I am trying to grasp the full meaning of that icon. cute, though.
As for the pic, i think it could be a great one with a little ps magic. color balance a little more true. maybe a little levels or curves to pull up the brightness of model while leaving the blacks black.
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Blue fabric one Neat eyes and sparkles on the fabric Love the colours!
70-200 f.28, 24-85
At least birds don't complain and you don't have to worry about model releases.