Contest legal question
Any Advice?
I'd like to start my own photo contest. The idea would be that everyday I hold a new contest/photo game. The person who answers correctly would be entered to win a monthly prize. Would this be ok for me to do? Are there any legal reasons why I would not be able to give away prizes from such a game? This would be my own personal site, not something here or else where, just to clarify.
Thanks for your help in advance.
I'd like to start my own photo contest. The idea would be that everyday I hold a new contest/photo game. The person who answers correctly would be entered to win a monthly prize. Would this be ok for me to do? Are there any legal reasons why I would not be able to give away prizes from such a game? This would be my own personal site, not something here or else where, just to clarify.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Are you going to do that here on Dgrin, or on your personal website/blog?
On my own personal Site. thanks
In the case of a photo contest, the main concerns would be with copyright and taxes. The copyright issues should be no different than what everyone already knows: you must own the image or have permission from the owner to use it for the specific purpose. If you, as the contest guru, wanted to do something with the winners' images, you'd need their permission first. If you are just going to do a trivia contest or something similar that only involves a limited amount of text, you won't have copyright issues. If the contest involves an image--such as "Who can tell me where this photo was taken?"--you'll need to use your own images, use public domain images, or have permission from the copyright owner.
The tax issue comes up with prizes. Prizes with monetary value are generally considered income. This would be an issue for the recipient of the prize and not for you as the one giving away the prize. I don't know what you have in mind for prizes but unless you plan to give away some nice gear
When we signed up for dgrin, we consented to our photos being shown on the internet (because we post them). Since you are going to do this on your own site, I'd suggest you have the contestants consent to their images being posted (by them or by you). You could do this by email or by some automated process where they have to read a consent statement and click "yes."
Hope this helps--sorry it's so long.
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks again
Thanks Doctor! You the man