Thinking about a transfer... to Smugmug
Hello everyone in the wonderful world of Smugmug. Allow me to introduce myself. I am a current Pictage Pro account holder. Yes, yes I am the enemy.
I have just begun my 14 day trial of Smugmug in hopes of finding a most cost-effective, client friendly way of doing all things Pictage-y. Thus far, I like the statistics trackers and vastly cheaper at-cost for prints. As well as the option for me to offer several other products.
I do have a few questions that perhaps some seasoned smugmug pros can help clear up for me:
--Are the color corrections added after uploading, so the images are viewed with the adjustments they will have during printing, or are they only pre-press?
--After I edit my site, will my clients be able to tell the photos are hosted by Smugmug?
--What are the average prices for prints photographers are charging here on Smugmug? on Pictage I charge $8 for 4x6 which they charge $2 for, however smugmug take a larger percentage... and they are very public with their print prices.
--Any album design/binding affiliates?
--Does smugmug offer credit card processing for services? Wedding retainers/payments?
--Are there ever any promotions?
--Can I name event owners, guest lists? or is all the marketing in my hands?
Thank you for answering ahead of time. I look forward to possibly becoming a part of your community
I have just begun my 14 day trial of Smugmug in hopes of finding a most cost-effective, client friendly way of doing all things Pictage-y. Thus far, I like the statistics trackers and vastly cheaper at-cost for prints. As well as the option for me to offer several other products.
I do have a few questions that perhaps some seasoned smugmug pros can help clear up for me:
--Are the color corrections added after uploading, so the images are viewed with the adjustments they will have during printing, or are they only pre-press?
--After I edit my site, will my clients be able to tell the photos are hosted by Smugmug?
--What are the average prices for prints photographers are charging here on Smugmug? on Pictage I charge $8 for 4x6 which they charge $2 for, however smugmug take a larger percentage... and they are very public with their print prices.
--Any album design/binding affiliates?
--Does smugmug offer credit card processing for services? Wedding retainers/payments?
--Are there ever any promotions?
--Can I name event owners, guest lists? or is all the marketing in my hands?
Thank you for answering ahead of time. I look forward to possibly becoming a part of your community
Tiny bit: see my site in the footer. all types of prices - but your peers here can give you some ideas. Just right now, but we're working on some new stuff
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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">--Does smugmug offer credit card processing for services? Wedding retainers/payments? </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Andy replied:
No, but it's dead-simple to add google checkout or paypal. See my site, here:
But, Smugmug does handle payment for images bought through the "Buy this photo" click in member galleries without the member setting up anything, correct?
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