Help! Google Search displaying private photos
Hi All, I need some help.
I was fooling around with the homepage slideshow, when I thought I would do a google search on my name "philip lanz" to see what would show up in my bio.
To my shock all my photos from private galleries are being shown. Two in particular are password protected and I have external links off and hello world set off.
Other photos are from open galleries but I had restricted the ability do right mouse saving photos, however this can be done from what's found on the google search.
Please help as I do not want these photos displayed there.
Phil Lanz
I was fooling around with the homepage slideshow, when I thought I would do a google search on my name "philip lanz" to see what would show up in my bio.
To my shock all my photos from private galleries are being shown. Two in particular are password protected and I have external links off and hello world set off.
Other photos are from open galleries but I had restricted the ability do right mouse saving photos, however this can be done from what's found on the google search.
Please help as I do not want these photos displayed there.
Phil Lanz
Phil - I'm curious which galleries are showing up? I found your home page, and an RSS feed. What else is showing up that shouldn't?
did you use a feeds link?
Example, try this link, logged in and logged out of SmugMug
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Hi Mike
The galleries don't show up on my homepage because they're unlisted, but they are in my Family category.
Hi Andy
Ok, I'm not sure what that's doing, but.....if I'm logged in, the private photos show when I use your link. When I log out they no longer show.
However, the other half of the problem remains in that the public photos show, which is ok, but they can be saved which I really don't like.
Not that I'm the greatest photographer, but....
Is there anyway to prevent that like we can within smugmug.
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External links are off in all galleries, yet the photos are still available for downloading in the google search.
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the google search is simply my name "philip lanz"
I tried to save the output for you but when I used the link it gave an error.
After searching on my name I get a selection for "Philip Lanz's recent photos"
Selecting that exposes my images and if I were logged in would also display my private images.
Sorry, but I'm not sure how to give you the output.
The only way that Google can get to one of your private galleries, is via a direct link to that gallery elsewhere on the web. Google won't have your private photos (unless they happened to be non-private at the point when Google crawled through your website)
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Forgive me, but I'm new to this and not sure I understand.
I am logged out of my smugmug page, yet I still see my images in a google search.
I have cleared the cache and researched and they still appear.
Are you saying that if you do the search you don't see my photos?
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Thanks, I understand now.