No Pro cameras?

Is this normal? On the news this AM, while covering the first National's home game tonight in DC, they are saying that one of the "banned" items along with guns, drugs, backpacks, food and booze include "Professional Cameras" which is supposed to equal any camera with a detachable lens or tripod. I can understand security problems with a tripod - but WTF is up with limiting a Digital Rebel or an old cheap 35mm :dunno
This has put me over the edge, I was going to consider going to a Nationals game with the grand kids, but not now. I have no interest in selling pictures of a game, but I would like some decent shots of my grand kids - screw them.:pissed
Is this standard for all pro games?
This has put me over the edge, I was going to consider going to a Nationals game with the grand kids, but not now. I have no interest in selling pictures of a game, but I would like some decent shots of my grand kids - screw them.:pissed
Is this standard for all pro games?
Go to a AAA game, those are just as fun and cheaper.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
If people don't like these arrangements, they need to call and or write the people in charge to complain about the policy. The more they hear from the fans, the more pressure they will be under to change the policy.
It's not security related ;-)
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Seriously, I took pics at a philly and a baltimore game last year with a D70 and no problems.
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
I agree that is the likely reason for the ban. From what I've been told, and I've done some investigation into this, at Formula One races you need a special permit to have a camera with a lens greater than 200mm. The special permits are given to people with certain credentials (and a certain willingness to pay the permit fee), and then they can bring in what they want. Its a policy specifically so that professionals can have somewhat limited competition for sales, and the public can get somewhat useful shots on their own, and Bernie gets a piece of the commercial photography action as well.
As a private citizen, I understand Shay's feelings about the policy. As a photographer who covers a local track that I have an exclusive arrangement with, I can also understand the other side of the coin.
But it boils down to this: the ball game is on private property. He who owns the sandbox writes the rules. And ultimately, that I have no problem with.
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Revision 1 - security retraction - I forgot that POTUS will be there tonight throwing out the first ball - I will reserve my judgement until I see how the next home game is handled. If it lightens up I will be in grand kid heaven with the camera