Fishing Dogs of PWS (for dog lovers only)
German Shorthaird Pointers (GSPs) are a versatile hunting bread. They are easily trained for pointing and retrieving birds, trailing various game, drug/bomb screening, and as companion dogs. Since we don't hunt our dogs their instinctive desire to work manifests itself in different ways, one of which is to actively participate in fishing. Their level of intelligence also shows in rather unnexpted ways.
Our two GSPs heading out fishing on Prince William Sound.

Maggie halibut fishing. She watches the rod and barks when the rod tip starts to bounce.

Success !!! Can we eat it now ?

Relaxing with a good book at the end of a long day.
Our two GSPs heading out fishing on Prince William Sound.

Maggie halibut fishing. She watches the rod and barks when the rod tip starts to bounce.

Success !!! Can we eat it now ?

Relaxing with a good book at the end of a long day.

What a great story sequence
Your dogs take this fishing business very seriously don't they.
That's amazing how you said they watch the line and if it bounces they bark.
What are they like when your reeling in the fish?
Do they get excited?
I've looked at these photos several times, and I can't stop smiling.
The looks the dog's faces is just priceless
Lovely Post
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
My Photo Gallery:Northern Focus Photography
I wish I was half the man that my dog thinks I am...
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
My Photo Gallery:Northern Focus Photography
I wish I was half the man that my dog thinks I am...