question about square thumbs

I had all my galleries set to square thumbs - spent some time this afternoon changing them back to original. I changed a couple galleries and saved the settings, then applied the saved settings to all the rest of my galleries. Hours later, only the two that I actually changed are different. The rest are still square. When I look at the other gallery customization pages, "original" IS checked. Help, please!
Posts by Allyson, the wife/assistant...
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
If our system doesn't automatically change the thumbnails for you, you can force the change by first rotating the images one way (say right). Then, rotate them back (left). Forcing this change will cause the gallery to also take on the new thumbnail setting.
If you'd like us to have a look at it and do this for you, just let us know (
I hope this helps.
Suport Hero
Thanks. It's kind of annoying that it won't do it in bulk when I apply a saved setting.
I am putting them back to square anyway. Thanks for the offer to help
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
some of my galleries are also showing original size instead of squared despite the control panel indicating that it is set to square.
i have tried the rotate picture/rotate back method, and this works, however i have so many galleries that this would take a veeeerrrry long time. are you able to do make the correction for me faster?
i am also having trouble with the arrange galleries option.
i have the setting set to 'position' and when i make the appropriate position changes, it is not reflected on the galleries page. when i go back in to arrange agian, the screen shows the positioning i want (but is still not reflected on the site).
p.s. i have been using the 3rd party app SendToSmugmug to upload my pictures lately, and i *think* the affected galleries were the ones that have settings that are not being recognized. i'm not 100% sure about this, but the problems as well as my use of the app happened generally around the same time.....
Could it be that you applied a gallery quick setting to multiple galleries? That's when the thumbs won't be reprocessed. You have to change the thumb setting one by one.
An alternative would be to use SmugBrowser, which allows you to change a setting for all galleries in a whole category or your whole site. You can get the free Firefox plugin from here:
2. Do you happen to have an ampersand (&) or any other special character in one of your category names? That might cause the arrange not to work. Replace the & by 'and' and remove any special characters by renaming your categories. That should fix this issue.
SmugMug Support Hero
i tried resetting the thumbs in each gallery using photo/tools -- adjust thumbnails <-- didn't work.
i tried using smugbrowser to ajdust the settings <-- didn't work.
i changed the orientation of all the photos and then back again <-- THIS WORKED.
only problem is it didn't adjust the thumbs for videos...but i found if i deleted the vidoes and then re-uploaded them, the thumbs would show square.
issue resolved.
(thanks for eveyones time