Radio Popper Attatchment Alternative

If anyone is using the Radio Poppers, you might be interested in this...
Watch Video #7
Peter from A Better Bouce Card has come up with a wide rubber strap attatchment method that seems much better than what comes with the Poppers. he suggests in the video that you could make them out of bicycle inner tubes or such, but I just ordered a set...figured I'd spend $22.00 in diesel fuel trying to find the right size tube, not to mention the time....See Ya!!!
Watch Video #7
Peter from A Better Bouce Card has come up with a wide rubber strap attatchment method that seems much better than what comes with the Poppers. he suggests in the video that you could make them out of bicycle inner tubes or such, but I just ordered a set...figured I'd spend $22.00 in diesel fuel trying to find the right size tube, not to mention the time....See Ya!!!
I'm curious about making the attachment band out of an innertube. I have never seen a bicycle innertube that wide, so presumably he means to cut long ways into a strip and then glue the ends together to make a band. I wonder what kind of glue would be appropriate? I would hate to have it come apart while it was holding the Radio Popper!
Nikon Stuff (not that it really matters)
In the video, he does say "bicycle tubes", but quite frankly it sounds like he hasn't put much thought into it since he gets his made to order from his supplier.
I'm not afraid to use glue, but would certainly do some testing before I trust it with any equipment.