It's been fun so far. Keep up the good work. Be open. Tell us where we're going, and don't fear the competion. Lead it.
thanks for the thoughtful posting, we really appreciate it!
FWIW, some of the things you suggest aren't possible if you want to get new stuff out the door on a regular basis. This little firestorm over photosizes could have been easily averted We messed up is all, on the photosizes thing, and we learned some more. The rest of this release, is stunningly great for our customers.... Save Photo when logged in. SmugVault! Go have a look at it
Can someone offer an explanation of why SmugVault costs significantly more (percentage-wise) than using Amazon S3 yourself? Granted, it is still a very cheap offering for the benefit you receive, so bravo on that. I'm just looking to understand the increase in 46% for monthly storage and 200% increase in transfer costs over a DIY approach.
My monthly bill (for 96GB) would go up by a whopping[sic] $8, so if the answer is my $8 covers the cost of maintaining the display, organization, and retreival features of adding RAW archiving, then that makes sense.
Just looking for some transparency on the pricing. Thanks.
Can someone offer an explanation of why SmugVault costs significantly more (percentage-wise) than using Amazon S3 yourself? Granted, it is still a very cheap offering for the benefit you receive, so bravo on that. I'm just looking to understand the increase in 46% for monthly storage and 200% increase in transfer costs over a DIY approach.
My monthly bill (for 96GB) would go up by a whopping[sic] $8, so if the answer is my $8 covers the cost of maintaining the display, organization, and retreival features of adding RAW archiving, then that makes sense.
Just looking for some transparency on the pricing. Thanks.
Hi Terence, we think we're adding a lot of value have your display galleries and your raws/psds/tiffs/pdfs/xmp/etc associated with your display copies, right in your gallery. All from within SmugMug.
I'm just uploading files now, I've been using Jungle Disk for 2 years now, and will ditch it as soon as my stuff is in my SmugVault - why? When I need a file, I just have to go here:
one click on my SmugVault Icon will take me to my visual browser, and I can get any files I wish:
I like that convenience. I like being able to just upload, on SmugMug, my finished jpgs, raws and other associated files - and they are all bundled together.
For the geek, or extreme power user, or for someone that's used S3 directly already, it may be easier for you to continue to use S3 directly But for most folks, we think they'll like this approach, via SmugMug.
Hi Terence, we think we're adding a lot of value have your display galleries and your raws/psds/tiffs/pdfs/xmp/etc associated with your display copies, right in your gallery. All from within SmugMug.
Given that I can't even count the number of threads I have read in the 2+ years I have been a member, here and with smugmug, where people have requested the ability to store RAW files and stated that they would pay extra to do it, I'm surprised at the lack of coverage of this feature. I don't have anything really set up to be backed up, yet, but I really look forward to using it.
That said, my only observation is that it is a shame that a much smaller change overshadowed the addition of a feature that is really innovative and unmatched by Smugmug's competitors. I'm left wondering if Smugmug should make their major releases a stand-alone thing and leave the smaller changes for a later smaller release.
Given that I can't even count the number of threads I have read in the 2+ years I have been a member, here and with smugmug, where people have requested the ability to store RAW files and stated that they would pay extra to do it, I'm surprised at the lack of coverage of this feature.
Soft-release, ren. Give it a twirl, love to hear from you on this!
Yeah it's a bug,we'll fix it and fast, I hope - sorry about that!
Thanks Andy...
Just to clarify since I posted yesterday, the only way I was able to make the sizes in photobar show up (while logged out) was to turn on 'photo info' also - the problem is that I never had done that before and certainly don't want to start - or go thru all 60 (or so) galleries and change that...
Just to clarify since I posted yesterday, the only way I was able to make the sizes in photobar show up (while logged out) was to turn on 'photo info' also - the problem is that I never had done that before and certainly don't want to start - or go thru all 60 (or so) galleries and change that...
Thanks again,
Please, don't change your galleries....we fixed this bug internally -- it'll be live on the site later today. DO NOT change anything in your galleries, thanks
Sorry for the hassle Rich.
Please, don't change your galleries....we fixed this bug internally -- it'll be live on the site later today. DO NOT change anything in your galleries, thanks
Sorry for the hassle Rich.
Save photo glitch?
All of a sudden I noticed the "save photo" option is on, which I don't want, now though it hasn't been on before and I haven't customized any gallery. Help please.
All of a sudden I noticed the "save photo" option is on, which I don't want, now though it hasn't been on before and I haven't customized any gallery. Help please.
Just to clarify since I posted yesterday, the only way I was able to make the sizes in photobar show up (while logged out) was to turn on 'photo info' also - the problem is that I never had done that before and certainly don't want to start - or go thru all 60 (or so) galleries and change that...
1) When logged in, you will see the "save photo" icon on your photobar now - it's a brand new feature, for gallery owners (you!) only - your visitors won't see this option. To validate, use Visitor View, or log out of SmugMug, and have a look. For a long time, our customers have been asking to have the ability to save an photo while logged in, even though they've got that size blocked for customers and visitors, and so we made it happen. More will be coming shortly in our release notes, here:
2) Oh and we also cleaned up the photobar a bit, by removing all the size choices from it. Click on the main photo, get to lightbox - we'll automatically fill the browser window with the largest possible image without causing any scrolling.... and if you want another size after that, the sizes are at the top of that screen Example.
thanks for the thoughtful posting, we really appreciate it!
FWIW, some of the things you suggest aren't possible if you want to get new stuff out the door on a regular basis. This little firestorm over photosizes could have been easily averted We messed up is all, on the photosizes thing, and we learned some more. The rest of this release, is stunningly great for our customers.... Save Photo when logged in. SmugVault! Go have a look at it
I was't prescribing what you should do, but don't kid yourself that improving your process isn't possible or desirable. Better process = less mess up. Sometimes development shops forget about process in the haste to get it our the door. Don't fall into or stay in that trap. If nothing else, publish the release notes and target release dates in advance so those of us that customize, and all of us, can be prepared.
First of all, THANK YOU so much for allowing the Save Photo option when logged in. This was probably my #1 request for a long time.
HOWEVER, I think you missed the boat by just an inch: Since the flyout photobar is not available in some viewing styles (Filmstrip, for example, which I use a lot), I thought it would be much better to have the logged-in Save Photo option live in the drop-down Photo Tools, which is always available.
This is a big deal for me, since on my wife's site (, I use only Filmstrip, and anytime I want to download an original image, I have to go to Customize Gallery, change the viewing options, go out, save file, go back in and change back to Filmstrip. At least now I don't also have to allow original files, but this change does not save me the steps I was hoping all this time to avoid.
Any thoughts? If you don't want to remove the new option, maybe you could just add it to Photo Tools as well. It is, after all, a good photo tool.
Who's on (or off...or on again) first?
I had some time to kill this afternoon... so started reading this "New Features" announcement thread at post #1, not quite realizing there's be 11 pages with over 100 posts already. I didn't really think I had a horse in the race, so didn't think much of it one way or another, UNTIL...
I glanced at a Father's Day gallery I posted a few days ago and noticed that the "Save this photo" option wasn't there (for my family/viewers). After I 1.)reset the "printable?" option to yes, 2.) the "maximum size" option to Original, 3.) the External links to Yes, and 4.) the Easy Share option to Yes...I figured the Save this Photo should show up for my family (visitors) so they could A.) download a copy (Save this photo) of the original to their computer, or B.) order from Smugmug.
From what I can see is an option , but A) is not. Now I'm confused. I thought if we allowed printing and allowed easy sharing, that our visitors could Save this Photo at full resolution. Did that option go away?
From what I can see is an option , but A) is not. Now I'm confused. I thought if we allowed printing and allowed easy sharing, that our visitors could Save this Photo at full resolution. Did that option go away?
Papajay, you must have largest size set to Original to have the save photo option for visitors, that's the trigger.
Papajay, you must have largest size set to Original to have the save photo option for visitors, that's the trigger.
I did (have largest size= Original), I do (just double-checked based upon your post)...and still don't see any "Save Photo" option for visitors. I'll post link via help email.
I did (have largest size= Original), I do (just double-checked based upon your post)...and still don't see any "Save Photo" option for visitors. I'll post link via help email.
Got your mail, and something's just not right we see it logged out, no worries no problem. Have you another machine you can check on, Papa?
After the dust settles and all the corrections have been done along with the problems solve could you provide an up date on the "Save Photo" item as well as the other new or modified features. As of this writing Save Photo feature seems to be working. Good Work Guys
Take Nothing But Memories:rofl Kill Nothing But Time :clap Leave Nothing But Footprints :thumb
After the dust settles and all the corrections have been done along with the problems solve could you provide an up date on the "Save Photo" item as well as the other new or modified features. As of this writing Save Photo feature seems to be working. Good Work Guys
Gil, we've been doing this all along What questions do you have?
Gil, we've been doing this all along What questions do you have?
Hi Andy
The save photo option appears to only work in Smug Mug option this is good for my application, GOOD JOB. It does not work, when log-in, in Traditional, All Thumbs,Slide Show, Journal,Crittique & Film Strip.
Take Nothing But Memories:rofl Kill Nothing But Time :clap Leave Nothing But Footprints :thumb
Got your mail, and something's just not right we see it logged out, no worries no problem. Have you another machine you can check on, Papa?
After twice clearing cache, cookies, history, etc....IE and luck (still no flyout with a Save This Photo link).
So I gave up and went to bed...just put my system in "standby" mode. This morning, the flyout photobar (inlcuding the Save this Photo link) shows up just like it's supposed to. I'm not making any of this up. Someone, I'm sure, will mutter to themselves, "Welcome to the wacky world of computers." But I'm not amused...unless SM found and fixed something while my computer and I slept, I wasted a couple of hours chasing a little gremlin I apparently didn't need to chase.:bash
FWIW, some of the things you suggest aren't possible if you want to get new stuff out the door on a regular basis. This little firestorm over photosizes could have been easily averted
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My monthly bill (for 96GB) would go up by a whopping[sic] $8, so if the answer is my $8 covers the cost of maintaining the display, organization, and retreival features of adding RAW archiving, then that makes sense.
Just looking for some transparency on the pricing. Thanks.
My photos
"The future is an illusion, but a damned handy one." - David Allen
I'm just uploading files now, I've been using Jungle Disk for 2 years now, and will ditch it as soon as my stuff is in my SmugVault - why? When I need a file, I just have to go here:
one click on my SmugVault Icon will take me to my visual browser, and I can get any files I wish:
I like that convenience. I like being able to just upload, on SmugMug, my finished jpgs, raws and other associated files - and they are all bundled together.
For the geek, or extreme power user, or for someone that's used S3 directly already, it may be easier for you to continue to use S3 directly
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That said, my only observation is that it is a shame that a much smaller change overshadowed the addition of a feature that is really innovative and unmatched by Smugmug's competitors. I'm left wondering if Smugmug should make their major releases a stand-alone thing and leave the smaller changes for a later smaller release.
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Thanks Andy...
Just to clarify since I posted yesterday, the only way I was able to make the sizes in photobar show up (while logged out) was to turn on 'photo info' also - the problem is that I never had done that before and certainly don't want to start - or go thru all 60 (or so) galleries and change that...
Thanks again,
Sorry for the hassle Rich.
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Got it!
Thanks Andy
oops sorry OT
All of a sudden I noticed the "save photo" option is on, which I don't want, now though it hasn't been on before and I haven't customized any gallery. Help please.
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Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Gotcha! Thanks.
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I was't prescribing what you should do, but don't kid yourself that improving your process isn't possible or desirable. Better process = less mess up. Sometimes development shops forget about process in the haste to get it our the door. Don't fall into or stay in that trap. If nothing else, publish the release notes and target release dates in advance so those of us that customize, and all of us, can be prepared.
le pere de
We spend a lot of time trying to improve and we think we can always, always improve. Thanks
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HOWEVER, I think you missed the boat by just an inch: Since the flyout photobar is not available in some viewing styles (Filmstrip, for example, which I use a lot), I thought it would be much better to have the logged-in Save Photo option live in the drop-down Photo Tools, which is always available.
This is a big deal for me, since on my wife's site (, I use only Filmstrip, and anytime I want to download an original image, I have to go to Customize Gallery, change the viewing options, go out, save file, go back in and change back to Filmstrip. At least now I don't also have to allow original files, but this change does not save me the steps I was hoping all this time to avoid.
Any thoughts? If you don't want to remove the new option, maybe you could just add it to Photo Tools as well. It is, after all, a good photo tool.
Thanks so much!
I had some time to kill this afternoon... so started reading this "New Features" announcement thread at post #1, not quite realizing there's be 11 pages with over 100 posts already. I didn't really think I had a horse in the race, so didn't think much of it one way or another, UNTIL...
I glanced at a Father's Day gallery I posted a few days ago and noticed that the "Save this photo" option wasn't there (for my family/viewers). After I 1.)reset the "printable?" option to yes, 2.) the "maximum size" option to Original, 3.) the External links to Yes, and 4.) the Easy Share option to Yes...I figured the Save this Photo should show up for my family (visitors) so they could A.) download a copy (Save this photo) of the original to their computer, or B.) order from Smugmug.
From what I can see
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I did (have largest size= Original), I do (just double-checked based upon your post)...and still don't see any "Save Photo" option for visitors. I'll post link via help email.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Any ideas?
After the dust settles and all the corrections have been done along with the problems solve could you provide an up date on the "Save Photo" item as well as the other new or modified features. As of this writing Save Photo feature seems to be working. Good Work Guys
Kill Nothing But Time :clap
Leave Nothing But Footprints :thumb
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Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Hi Andy
The save photo option appears to only work in Smug Mug option this is good for my application, GOOD JOB. It does not work, when log-in, in Traditional, All Thumbs,Slide Show, Journal,Crittique & Film Strip.
Kill Nothing But Time :clap
Leave Nothing But Footprints :thumb
Pick one. It does it with all of them. I can save it into a folder, and then look at it. But I can't just 'open' it.
After twice clearing cache, cookies, history, etc....IE and luck (still no flyout with a Save This Photo link).
So I gave up and went to bed...just put my system in "standby" mode. This morning, the flyout photobar (inlcuding the Save this Photo link) shows up just like it's supposed to.