Adding Galleries To A Private Category

I've been trying to orgainize all my photos in my private category into different galleries. I'm having a heck of a time trying to do this. In fact I haven't figured it out yet. Can someone help me with this?

2) Mark the galleries as "unlisted" (if all of the galleries in a category are unlisted, then your visitors will not be able to see the category)
3) Go to the existing gallery
4) Either
4a) Select "Move Photos" from the Photo Tools menu, select all of the photos that you wish to move to a particular gallery, and move them there
4b) Select "Move Photos (Expert)" from the Photos Tools menu, and one-by-one select the gallery that you want to move each photo to
Thanks I will give this a try with hopes I succeed
suggest opening the "go to" gallery and temporarily add an "x" in front of the
gallery name. Then on the move page in the "move to gallery" dropdown just
hit the x key and it'll jump to that gallery. Then after the move remove the x.
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Thanks I will try this out. I hope to get it done today. If I have any problems I will let you know