FS: Phottix Cleon Wireless Remotes for Nikon/Canon
I have a small lot of brand new Phottix Cleon wireless shutter remotes/triggers for sale for each of the following bodies, priced lower than Ebay, and shipped out of the US.
I accept paypal or google checkout (or money orders), no fees.
Prices include shipping within the US however Canada shipping is $9 more due to USPS International Priority rates.
Ecrater auction page: http://teamspeed.ecrater.com/product.php?pid=2059609
- Cleon N8 for Nikon DSLR D100/D200/D300/D2/D3 - SOLD
- Cleon C6 for Canon Rebel Series (300D/XT/XTi/XSi) - SOLD
- Cleon C8 for Canon 10D/20D/30D/40D/5D/1D Mega Series - $36.00 STILL AVAIL
I accept paypal or google checkout (or money orders), no fees.
Prices include shipping within the US however Canada shipping is $9 more due to USPS International Priority rates.
Ecrater auction page: http://teamspeed.ecrater.com/product.php?pid=2059609

7D, 70-200L IS, 17-55 IS 2.8, 150 2.8 macro, 12-24, 100-400L, 85 1.8, 50 1.4
I have been quite interested in some things that are different on these than an earlier one (that is probably also a different brand) that I have enjoyed. I like the fact that the on/off switches are sliders rather than pressed to turn on or off because on mine the press type would get hit while in my bag and I would find battery dead. Also, I like the idea of mounting the receiver in the hot shoe rather than leave danging.
I could not quite convince myself to replace a working device just for these though. Then I lost the cover on the battery compartment of my receiver (did manage to do that session without the cr2 battery coming out). Yesterday I was browsing around this section of the forum and noticed your posting. So. . . ordered and think with you in Indiana and me in Illinois it should get here quite quickly — once I order something I am ready for it to be here!
I don't know if this will help others as I also don't know if they still have them but I got rechargable cr2 batteries and charger from I think it was Deal Extreme and it works well. The disposables in this size seem over priced for their size.
Jane B.
Thank you very much, yours went out today. Thank you very much for the tip on the rechargeable CR2 batteries, that is great to know!
Am i missing something here,how would one use a flash at the same time; this is in the hot shoe???
The receiver is very light and does NOT have to be in the hot shoe. In fact, the one I lost my battery cover to did not even have a foot (it was a different brand). So, if you want to use a flash just leave the receiver dangle on its cord. I think having the foot on it will be a convenience though when not using flash; which is most of the time for me.
The new version that was illustrated for sale earlier in this thread is serving me very well. I waited until I had reason to use it in the “real world” before posting again. Although initial tests right after receipt had me expecting to like it much better than the other brand (that was from a different seller located through e-bay). I did stick the receiver in the hot shoe when doing a group shot that I wanted to get in and it worked as expected. The only disappointment was that it arrived the day AFTER I left for a long weekend the first weekend in October!
Jane B.