Slideshow not working with Firefox
The new slideshow is not working for me with FF on WinXP. Works fine with IE6. Tried clearing cache etc and restarting browser. Also works fine with the sample/test gallery I found in another post. Same result for all of my galleries. Here's a link:
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Homepage show works fine. I've tried on 3 different computers using FF2 with same result. The "Press esc.." fades out to a blank black screen with no show. All of my galleries working the same way.
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Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
1. WIN 9,0,124,0
2. Firefox on WinXP SP2
4. yes
5. yes
6. yes can see the movie
7. followed instruction to turn off hw acceleration: no change for slideshow against my galleries.
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See this link:
bet it works fine
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
No it's not the PicLens button.
Yes the link you are pointing me to works, but it does not include my Javascript customizations.
The problem is the following Javascript:
function ModifyBreadcrumb () {
var objElement = document.getElementById("breadcrumb")
if (objElement != null) {
var str = new String(objElement.innerHTML);
str = str.replace('>nikiwalkerphotography<', '>Home<');
objElement.innerHTML = str;
str = str.replace('>Equine Events<', '>Galleries<');
objElement.innerHTML = str;
str = str.replace('/Equine%20Events"', '/galleries"');
objElement.innerHTML = str;
YE.onAvailable('breadcrumb', ModifyBreadcrumb);
When I have this in the 'Footer Javascript' section (where it currently is), the Slideshow button does not work. It just displays the "Press Esc..." message and fades to black.
When I have this in the 'Header Javascript' section, I get the same behavior the first time, but if I reload the page, the button works fine.
In all cases, the Javascript changes the breadcrumb just fine, but breaks the slideshow. There is something "wrong" with the "objElement.innerHTML = str;" statements, or something else wrong with the way this is coded. Maybe "YE.onAvailable" is the wrong YUI call.
Wonder if a Javascript expert could take a look and offer suggestions to make it work?! Sure would like to retain the modified breadcrumb behavior.
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Alright sorry! Anything messing with the breadcrubm will cause failure of the slideshow button, I'm really sorry
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I would probaby write it like this...
I haven't tested it though
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I tested it. One slight syntax issue: It's "YE.onContentReady".
It basically works the same way.
It still results in the Slideshow not working properly. The slideshow fires but all you get is "Press Esc..." that fades to black, and no show.
Any thoughts?
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The solution is to modify the class 'breadCrumbTrail' and NOT 'breadcrumb'.
Thanks to Dev and Firebug for helping to find a way to modify the breadcrumb and still support the Slideshow in Firefox.
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