Was borred last night- Cali State capital parts

Well I went last night borred and took these images..
Canon 1D Mark II
Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS
Canon EF 2.0x Extender.
Bogen - Manfrotto 808RC4 3-Way Pan/Tilt Head with Quick Release
Bogen - Manfrotto 055XWNB Wilderness Tripod Legs w/Leg Protectors Rubber/spike feet
ISO 400: Exposure Time 1/1": Shot at 280mm @ F9 for the first image

and Nimbus dam

Canon 1D Mark II
Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS
Canon EF 2.0x Extender.
Bogen - Manfrotto 808RC4 3-Way Pan/Tilt Head with Quick Release
Bogen - Manfrotto 055XWNB Wilderness Tripod Legs w/Leg Protectors Rubber/spike feet
ISO 400: Exposure Time 1/1": Shot at 280mm @ F9 for the first image

and Nimbus dam