[Help] Tags not uploading?

JoeGJoeG Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
edited June 23, 2008 in SmugMug Support
Man, 2 help threads in one day?? Sorry :dunno

I uploaded a bunch of photos today into 3 galleries. I used PhotoShop Elements 6.0 to do so. None of the keywords (tags in PSE6) uploaded with the pictures.


It's worked the last few days (since I've signed up), but it didn't work today.

It did upload the rest of the information (photo taken date, caption, etc), but not the tags.

One of the galleries did parse the filenames into tags, but didn't bring in the tags from PSE6. I just douple checked in PSE6, and all the photos are properly tagged.

Thoughts on this one?

The galleries in question:
Go into the "Our Wedding (May 13th, 2006)" category
Professional Wedding Photos (I uploaded these yesterday, and they brought in the keywords).
The other 3 galleries in there were uploaded today, and do not contain the keywords. The "Disposable Cameras" gallery is the one that parsed the filenames into tags, but it doesn't contain the tags that I setup in PSE6.

For example, this photo should have the keywords "Joe" and "Sarah", but they didn't come in.

Joe Gearhart
Photos | Blogs | Twitter | MySpace | Facebook


  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited June 23, 2008
    JoeG wrote:
    For example, this photo should have the keywords "Joe" and "Sarah", but they didn't come in.

    Click edit for the keyword below the photo and see if it's in the box. Hitting
    save would then bring it front. Look at bulk edit and if they show there hit
    preview then save.

    Just grasping at straws.:D
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • JoeGJoeG Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
    edited June 23, 2008
    When I click "Edit" it shows all the correct keywords. When I click "Save" it saves them and shows them.

    When I do bulk edit, and select all, and click save, it does NOT show the keywords.

    Also, on my homepage, where it's got the "100 photo keywords", if I click on a keyword, it will not show the photos that are not displaying the keywords (even though they are there, but not showing up headscratch.gif)

    I can't go through hundreds of photos, one at a time to edit and save the keywords. Well, I physically could, but really shouldn't need to.

    Any other help? And thank you, Allen, for at least helping me verify that the keywords are uploaded, but just not doing what they should be doing.
    Joe Gearhart
    Photos | Blogs | Twitter | MySpace | Facebook
  • PBolchoverPBolchover Registered Users Posts: 909 Major grins
    edited June 23, 2008
    JoeG wrote:
    When I do bulk edit, and select all, and click save, it does NOT show the keywords.

    Frequently, there is a slight lag before the keywords get indexed. If you gallery page is requested from the server before the keywords are indexed, then the displayed page will be without keywords. In most cases, a Shift-Refresh will make the keywords appear.
  • JoeGJoeG Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
    edited June 23, 2008
    Cache clearing didn't work. If it were a caching issue from my end, clicking on a keyword to display the results should display the photos, but it's not. If I click in the "Jeremy" keyword (since there's not a ton of Jeremy photos for me to go through), it lists photos in all the galleries except the ones uploaded today.

    I uploaded these galleries a few hours ago now, so I'd assume they keywords would be "ready" by now.
    Joe Gearhart
    Photos | Blogs | Twitter | MySpace | Facebook
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited June 23, 2008
    JoeG wrote:
    Cache clearing didn't work. If it were a caching issue from my end, clicking on a keyword to display the results should display the photos, but it's not. If I click in the "Jeremy" keyword (since there's not a ton of Jeremy photos for me to go through), it lists photos in all the galleries except the ones uploaded today.

    I uploaded these galleries a few hours ago now, so I'd assume they keywords would be "ready" by now.
    Go to bulk again, select all, and bulk add a space to keywords. Then hit
    preview before saving. See if this jump starts them showing.
    Gropping again. :D
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • JoeGJoeG Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
    edited June 23, 2008
    I finally got them all updated and working. I really don't know what "exactly" fixed the issue though. I was removing keywords (the filename parsing is bleh for me), and updating a few keywords. When I got it all the way I wanted and saved, everything was working correctly.

    I think I'm getting this SmugMug stuff figured out.

    Thanks a bunch for the help.
    Joe Gearhart
    Photos | Blogs | Twitter | MySpace | Facebook
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