Main picture began floating over the caption

gordonsmithgordonsmith Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
edited June 25, 2008 in SmugMug Support
Hello and thanks in advance.

I notice that my main picture began to "float" over my caption on my galleries yesterday. I didn't do anything different (no new programming, etc). When I scroll down, the mail picture changes position (moving up and down). Sometimes it covers up the caption I have for the picture. Did something change? This also only happens in Explorer. I tried Firefox and the picture does not "float" with that program. Please Help. My website is "" and you can click on any gallery to see what I'm talking about.



  • BarbBarb Administrators Posts: 3,352 SmugMug Employee
    edited June 24, 2008
    Hello and thanks in advance.

    I notice that my main picture began to "float" over my caption on my galleries yesterday. I didn't do anything different (no new programming, etc). When I scroll down, the mail picture changes position (moving up and down). Sometimes it covers up the caption I have for the picture. Did something change? This also only happens in Explorer. I tried Firefox and the picture does not "float" with that program. Please Help. My website is "" and you can click on any gallery to see what I'm talking about.


    Hi Gordon,

    I checked your site in Internet Explorer 7 and could not replicate the problem you reference above. Can you clear your browser's temporary cache files and see if that helps?
    Smug since 2006
    SmugMug Help
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited June 24, 2008
    Hello and thanks in advance.

    I notice that my main picture began to "float" over my caption on my galleries yesterday. I didn't do anything different (no new programming, etc). When I scroll down, the mail picture changes position (moving up and down). Sometimes it covers up the caption I have for the picture. Did something change? This also only happens in Explorer. I tried Firefox and the picture does not "float" with that program. Please Help. My website is "" and you can click on any gallery to see what I'm talking about.

    Verified in IE6 on your site.

    Remove this from your javascript.

    .photoKeywords {display: none; }

    You're missing a # in front of this. It doesn't make any sense anyway.headscratch.gif
    If you want to not show any of the photos use this.

    #galleriesBox .photo {display:none;}
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • BarbBarb Administrators Posts: 3,352 SmugMug Employee
    edited June 24, 2008
    Allen wrote:
    Verified in IE6 on your site.

    Remove this from your javascript.

    .photoKeywords {display: none; }

    You're missing a period in front of this. It doesn't make any sence anyway.headscratch.gif

    .galleriesBox .photo {display:none;}

    Nice Allen - thank you for looking! I did not check IE6 :(
    Smug since 2006
    SmugMug Help
  • gordonsmithgordonsmith Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited June 25, 2008
    Allen wrote:
    Verified in IE6 on your site.

    Remove this from your javascript.

    .photoKeywords {display: none; }

    You're missing a # in front of this. It doesn't make any sense anyway.headscratch.gif
    If you want to not show any of the photos use this.

    #galleriesBox .photo {display:none;}

    I am using IE6. I tried the change. I took the

    .photoKeywords {display: none; }

    out of my foot java script. However, the main photo continues to float. Another clue I noticed is that the main picture changes position only when the mouse arrow goes over the picture. If I scroll up and down the picture doesn't move, but when the mouse arrow moves over the picture area, then the picture changes position. I'm still very puzzled. Thanks for your help thus far. Any other ideas?

  • BarbBarb Administrators Posts: 3,352 SmugMug Employee
    edited June 25, 2008
    I am using IE6. I tried the change. I took the

    .photoKeywords {display: none; }

    out of my foot java script. However, the main photo continues to float. Another clue I noticed is that the main picture changes position only when the mouse arrow goes over the picture. If I scroll up and down the picture doesn't move, but when the mouse arrow moves over the picture area, then the picture changes position. I'm still very puzzled. Thanks for your help thus far. Any other ideas?


    Hi Gordon,

    Made a couple of other corrections in your CSS and in your header javascript code boxes. You were also missing an ending </div> in your bio, which I added. Can you check now and see if that made any difference?
    Smug since 2006
    SmugMug Help
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited June 25, 2008
    One thing I notice now is narrowing the window the main photo doesn't show
    in smugmug_small. Stretching window up and down and main appears and
    disappears. Oh, stretching very wide froze pc. Finally control back and cpu
    pegged at 100%. Script warning box, picked stop. Closed IE6.

    Some funnies found in CSS

    .journal galleryPage gallery_3822580
    #comment_header {

    /* GALLERIES */
    .Landscapes #galleryTitle {display:none;} /* FAILED*/

    This is in a bunch if rules.
    display: all;
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • gordonsmithgordonsmith Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited June 25, 2008
    Allen wrote:
    One thing I notice now is narrowing the window the main photo doesn't show
    in smugmug_small. Stretching window up and down and main appears and
    disappears. Oh, stretching very wide froze pc. Finally control back and cpu
    pegged at 100%. Script warning box, picked stop. Closed IE6.

    Some funnies found in CSS

    .journal galleryPage gallery_3822580
    #comment_header {

    /* GALLERIES */
    .Landscapes #galleryTitle {display:none;} /* FAILED*/

    This is in a bunch if rules.
    display: all;

    I'm truly sorry I'm not so bright with this stuff. What is "funny" or wrong with the above stuff? I know this worked for me beginning a few months ago and it only started acting weird a few days ago. Should I try taking these things out and see if that helps? ne_nau.gif
  • gordonsmithgordonsmith Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited June 25, 2008
    Barb wrote:
    Hi Gordon,

    Made a couple of other corrections in your CSS and in your header javascript code boxes. You were also missing an ending
    in your bio, which I added. Can you check now and see if that made any difference?
    Thanks Barb. I just tried it again but got the same result. I'll keep looking over things to see what else I can find too. This is really puzzling me.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited June 25, 2008
    Thanks Barb. I just tried it again but got the same result. I'll keep looking over things to see what else I can find too. This is really puzzling me.
    Sorry 'bout that, was thinking Barb would pick up on it in her troubleshootin'.

    The display: all; I think should all be display: block;

    You are missing periods in here

    .journal .galleryPage .gallery_3822580
    #comment_header {

    Actually this should be written this way. It specifies a gallery whether in
    any style.

    .gallery_3822580 #comment_header {

    Are you wanting this for a particular landscape gallery or landscapes category?

    /* GALLERIES */
    .Landscapes #galleryTitle {display:none;} /* FAILED*/

    First one below specifies for gallery number xxxxxxxx.
    2nd one does Landscape category page.

    /* GALLERIES */
    .gallery_xxxxxxxx #galleryTitle {display:none;} /* FAILED*/

    /* GALLERIES */
    .category_Landscapes #galleryTitle {display:none;} /* FAILED*/
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • gordonsmithgordonsmith Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited June 25, 2008
    Allen wrote:
    Sorry 'bout that, was thinking Barb would pick up on it in her troubleshootin'.

    The display: all; I think should all be display: block;

    You are missing periods in here

    .journal .galleryPage .gallery_3822580
    #comment_header {

    Actually this should be written this way. It specifies a gallery whether in
    any style.

    .gallery_3822580 #comment_header {

    Are you wanting this for a particular landscape gallery or landscapes category?

    /* GALLERIES */
    .Landscapes #galleryTitle {display:none;} /* FAILED*/

    First one below specifies for gallery number xxxxxxxx.
    2nd one does Landscape category page.

    /* GALLERIES */
    .gallery_xxxxxxxx #galleryTitle {display:none;} /* FAILED*/

    /* GALLERIES */
    .category_Landscapes #galleryTitle {display:none;} /* FAILED*/

    Thanks again Allen. With the GALLERIES page I chose your second suggestion because that's what I was trying to do with that CSS.

    I'm still puzzled by the floating main picture, however. What part of the program deals with the positioning of the pictures on the page? I wonder if we could specify where to place the main picture to keep it from floating up and down over the areas it's not supposed to go. Somehow, the boundaries have gotten stretched.

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