Drag & Drop Uploader Changed ?
Has the drag & drop uploader changed ? I use to be able to drop a folder on it, and they'd all upload.
Now. I have to open the folder , select all and drag that bunch to the uploader?
Marty (dotfur.com)
Now. I have to open the folder , select all and drag that bunch to the uploader?
Marty (dotfur.com)
I don't think it's changed, but we are trying to retire it, I'm sorry to say. We relegated it to a fine print link at the bottom of the uploaders page.
It doesn't have the robust error recovery of the other uploaders so we must bid it a fond farewell. (For people it betrayed, not so fond.)
Why? Because I use tabs in my browser windows, and because the upload files dialog box positions itself directly over the browser window. I can switch to a different tab, but the upload dialog box stays front and center in the browser window. If I could minimize the dialog box that would be OK - but there is no minimize button on that little modal dialog box. As it is today I find it extremely annoying.
I remember doing some comparison timings between those two uploaders when you first released the Simple uploader. And although the new uploader was supposed to be faster than the old drag and drop, I did not find that to be the case.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com