Fisheye vs UWA?
Now it's time for me to show off a small part what I don't know. In the wide angle world there seems to be a distinction between fisheyes and otherwise. I suppose it has to do how the lenses distort. My 10-22 EFS UWA distorts plenty at 10mm, but maybe not the same way as a fisheye. Please, someone who knows, fill me in. Thanks.
If not now, when?
fisheye gives a circular image
10-22 and other uwa's are rectilinear, and while they distort the angles, the distortion is not circular.
sigma 8mm circular fisheye
here's an example of the sigma 15mm fisheye
but then, even with a fisheye you can do this, with a sigma 15mm fish dunno if it was de-fished (using ptlens) but some folks do great landscape work with the canon and sigma fisheyes...
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i've used the canon fish - it's exceptionally sharp - and has *massive* dof... these are creative lenses, and you can have a lot of fun with them. go to pbase, search, cameras, click on sigma and then the 15mm fisheye and also canon 15mm fisheye. the sigma's just as good, and cheaper, btw. focusing on both is a bit noisier than your other lenses, and a bit slower...but you're not shooting bifs or sports with these so, who cares, right?
fun fun fun fisheye fun
canon 15mm fisheye
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I was pleasantly surprised at how wide shots came out. I guess I thought they'd be near-circular. Far from it.
I had been expecting to shove the camera close to things, and in this area I got pretty much what I expcected.
I have said that I thought the lens was a little soft. But I'm not much of a judge of that sort of thing. Looking back, I guess I'm wrong.
It is most definitely a fun lens to use. And I now realize it has many more uses than I had anticipated. I look forward to using it for landscapes and other wide shots.
BTW, I was able to get very narrow depth of field by opening wide and shoving the thing as close as I could to some flowers. So narrow was the DOF that the shots weren't any good - only a small part of the stamen was in focus.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
love your examples, waxy.
here's some fish from angela johnson good stuff!
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Here I am working out hard three times a week, sorta kinda maybe watching what I eat.... and then I see you gulleting (new word) all the deadliest and tastiest foods in the world.
It's too much and I won't stand for it. :bluduh
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
note the breakfast shot: four people at table, including the photographer... 2nd eldest son camera left, he's got *two* plates.. eggs, homefries, toast, bacon, sausage, and just for the heluvit, a double belgian waffle :uhoh and and hour later, he had lunch.... teenagers... sigh
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Great, I was thinking pizza, now I am thinking Waffle House.
here's the finished product from one of the shots above, this is from katz's deli in nyc :eat
canon 15mm fisheye. fisheye is great for food
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Hey, I didn't realize you had a fisheye. Just get it?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
the fish will distort facial features - you may not want to use this on da laydeez....
canon 15mm fish (grain added in post)
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i had a fisheye... returned it... i'm missing it now and so i think i'm gonna get it again. monday, off to b&h, batman!
i'm adding the fish to: 135 f/2L ...
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
so, uwa lenses will give some serious perspective distortion, but not in the same way as the fishies... how much you get depends on how you hold the camera, the angles and lines in your shot, etc....
10mm on 10-22 ef-s lens by canon:
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I curse Andy for the first one.
And the desert I didn't have the stomach for, thank goodness.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
breakfast for dinner is one of life's grand grand pleasures
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And the desert I didn't have the stomach for, thank goodness.
wuss. need to get you up into the big leagues. may 7th yuh-huh
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TWO WAFFLES!!!! or did you have a partner in crime?
Andy, where is the little piggy smilie?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Please also note 1 coffee cup and 1 glass OJ. I think he was by hisself
Now if I could just work out what was on the plate in the back...
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canon 10-22 ef-s, at 10mm
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No, seriously, I have a question that should definitely be answered here. What is the difference between a diagonal and circular fisheye? Sigma has both, the 8mm is circular and the 15mm is diagonal.
circular will dramatically distort like this diagonal will not (so much)... as you see with the fish example in this thread..
here's an interesting piece you might enjoy reading.
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fixed that for ya, doc
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