Wanted: Account to continue when owner expires
I would like to see an account feature that would somehow keep my pictures online after I expire - not planned for the near future - but who knows?
It could take several features - a prepaid "forever" service, notification of a pre-approved third party who could take over the site when a renewal goes unprocessed, whatever. The details probably need a dozen lawyers to figure out.
What I am asking for is the possibility of the pics staying up "forever" - or at least the life of smugmug and its successors. This would enable future generations to access pictures of the life and times of their ancestors, like they can now when they find physical family albums.
Possibly, some form of agreement with the internet archive
to dump the site on the Wayback Machine" could be involved.
It could take several features - a prepaid "forever" service, notification of a pre-approved third party who could take over the site when a renewal goes unprocessed, whatever. The details probably need a dozen lawyers to figure out.
What I am asking for is the possibility of the pics staying up "forever" - or at least the life of smugmug and its successors. This would enable future generations to access pictures of the life and times of their ancestors, like they can now when they find physical family albums.
Possibly, some form of agreement with the internet archive
to dump the site on the Wayback Machine" could be involved.
Wouldn't this be better handled by your estate planner?
"Once you are dead, all smugmug.com accounts will be renewed until such time as your monies left over run out. Then, you are dead dead."
Or something to that effect. All details on renewing the smugmug.com accounts should be kept in a secure place, along with credit card info, funeral info, wills, etc.
Wouldn't that work?
Mike Strock
The reply assured me that SmugMug would contact me or anyone with access to my e-mail account, but who among us has given anyone else that kind of access?
"If you tell your heirs about your SmugMug account, they would be able to work something out with us, in case something happens. If your account renewal would lapse, we would send you renewal error emails. So if you give them access to your email account, they'll see our messages as well. Your account wouldn't be removed right away. We'll keep on trying to contact you and only if after months, we don't hear anything, our system will close the account. Just make sure that you keep the email address on your account up to date. That'll give you lots of ahead time in case you forgot to update the card on your account or if your bank rejects our renewal."
My vote is for some insurance policy or a pre-payment contract that would assure a continuing archive. I don't expect SmugMug to provide the service for free, and some users may not require it, but I wonder how many have even considered their own mortality and the consequent loss of their photo collections. Will your survivors know how to access and maintain or download those precious collections? Could SmugMug accept multiple backup e-mail addresses of contacts to be used in the event of a silent non-renewal, an indication of one's final departure?
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The support and customer service you guys provide sets a darn high standard, that I wish others would emulate.
How about Smugmug allows us to designate a beneficiary? We just provide a name, address and email acct. If the acct goes unpaid for some reason, Smugmug could contact the beneficiary as a last resort... and if they provide proof of :hack then the acct is turned over to them....