Photogenics vs. Alien Bees

I'm posting this after reading about 300 pages of comments on other sites.
Photogenic Studio Max III vs. Alien Bees
Have you shot either one? Commments?
Which one would you get and why? I already have some SB-800s stands, umbrellas, etc., and Pocket wizards for doing some light studio stuff but I need to get something more robust for large copy projects I'm taking on.
This will be dark studio work.
also interested in comments about the remote luggable power solutions for these systems.
Photogenic Studio Max III vs. Alien Bees
Have you shot either one? Commments?
Which one would you get and why? I already have some SB-800s stands, umbrellas, etc., and Pocket wizards for doing some light studio stuff but I need to get something more robust for large copy projects I'm taking on.
This will be dark studio work.
also interested in comments about the remote luggable power solutions for these systems.
I would also like to throw another name in the mix; FlashPoint II monolights. I bought 2 of the 1820 kits and I use them for wedding work and they have proven to be durable and consistant.
Do be aware that you are buying into a sytem and that parts of one system rarely fit parts of another system except maybe for light stands and umbrellas. Pretty much all other modifiers and accessories use a particular system fitting so make sure that the accessories available to the system you choose meet your needs.
I hesitate recommending any system for DC/remote use. They seem mostly for "occasional" DC use as opposed to continuous use.
When I don't know if a site has AC available I bring along handle-mount flashes with enough power to do much of what I need. I improvised much of the fittings etc. and honestly haven't had to use them except for testing.
(I did purchase a small generator last year and I intend to test that for remote use also (well ... someday.)
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
There is a LOT to be said for excellent customer service as that is what I try to provide to all my customers. There is also something to say about buying american goods too.
I don't want a lot of weight to haul around as I do see myself taking them on remote gigs once in a while. I'lll prolly have more weight in good extension cords than in monolight heads.
The local shop I like poo-pooed them in favor of photogenics (they sell them). Okay, I see that bias.
The plus for photogenics is the extensive accessories they provide, but again, I'm more a guy and like to use the least possible lighting for the maximum result.
I've done big bron and Elic stuff in years past, but think that technology has improved to the point that I dont need big power packs to do most lighting work.
Comments?! Please!!!!!!!
Photogenics might have been around a bit longer and as you said your camera store is a DEALER......the one thing Paul Buff has not done is to create dealerships......he wants all sales to come directly to/ from one is commission paid no dealer mark ups.....he has sales once in a while but his prices are really much lower for comparable name brand his unwillingness to have dealers has caused some to talk him down (poo-poo as you said).....they do not want to recommend soemthing that will not put $ in their pockets...........:D
I have no affiliation with Paul Buff, White Lightning, Zuess or Alien Bees other than having OWNED White Lightning 5000's since around 1985..........