
Relationship and how it is for some. Series of 3

ArvanArvan Registered Users Posts: 888 Major grins
edited June 26, 2008 in Other Cool Shots
I was out exploring the swedish sea.. "östersjön" This strip of land ( all over the east and west coast of sweden ) is called skärgård...I have heard that this is rare and not many other countries has environments like this. Im not sure.

Anyways i found many rocks and cliffs that bin formed by the water for houndreds of years. I tried to replicate my situation with these rocks and stuff that i found on the island. Series of 3.

1. First out is " the seed " You found intrest in another person. Trying to connect.


2. The "get together" You get together. Sharing eachothers life, thought, laugh, and so on.


3. Then after some time..It just dosn´t work anymore. It can be distance, lack of love or what ever. " the breakup "


Im not going to cry and put my situation on you guys..Why should i? when i can share an idea instead. Live long and prosper And plz C&C :D


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    SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2008
    Arvan wrote:
    I was out exploring the swedish sea.. "östersjön" This strip of land ( all over the east and west coast of sweden ) is called skärgård...I have heard that this is rare and not many other countries has environments like this. Im not sure.

    Anyways i found many rocks and cliffs that bin formed by the water for houndreds of years. I tried to replicate my situation with these rocks and stuff that i found on the island. Series of 3.

    1. First out is " the seed " You found intrest in another person. Trying to connect.

    2. The "get together" You get together. Sharing eachothers life, thought, laugh, and so on.

    3. Then after some time..It just dosn´t work anymore. It can be distance, lack of love or what ever. " the breakup "

    Im not going to cry and put my situation on you guys..Why should i? when i can share an idea instead. Live long and prosper And plz C&C :D

    Being able to move on is a big step in the right direction Arvan.

    May I ask did you shoot these using a Torch? or Flashlight.
    I love the way you lit up the first two shots in particular.

    Nicely done Arvan thumb.gif .... Skippy :D
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"

    ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/

    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
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