Missed something with 'Save Photo'

I posted this in the new feature thread, but I got no response. I'm just curious why this was implemented the way it was when another solution could have fulfilled this request much better. Here's what I wrote:
First of all, THANK YOU so much for allowing the Save Photo option when logged in. This was probably my #1 request for a long time.
HOWEVER, I think you missed the boat by just an inch: Since the flyout photobar is not available in some viewing styles (Filmstrip, for example, which I use a lot), I thought it would be much better to have the logged-in Save Photo option live in the drop-down Photo Tools, which is always available.
This is a big deal for me, since on my wife's site (http://sararoizen.com), I use only Filmstrip, and anytime I want to download an original image, I have to go to Customize Gallery, change the viewing options, go out, save file, go back in and change back to Filmstrip. At least now I don't also have to allow original files, but this change does not save me the steps I was hoping all this time to avoid.
Any thoughts? If you don't want to remove the new option, maybe you could just add it to Photo Tools as well. It is, after all, a good photo tool.
Thanks so much!
First of all, THANK YOU so much for allowing the Save Photo option when logged in. This was probably my #1 request for a long time.
HOWEVER, I think you missed the boat by just an inch: Since the flyout photobar is not available in some viewing styles (Filmstrip, for example, which I use a lot), I thought it would be much better to have the logged-in Save Photo option live in the drop-down Photo Tools, which is always available.
This is a big deal for me, since on my wife's site (http://sararoizen.com), I use only Filmstrip, and anytime I want to download an original image, I have to go to Customize Gallery, change the viewing options, go out, save file, go back in and change back to Filmstrip. At least now I don't also have to allow original files, but this change does not save me the steps I was hoping all this time to avoid.
Any thoughts? If you don't want to remove the new option, maybe you could just add it to Photo Tools as well. It is, after all, a good photo tool.
Thanks so much!
Well I'm no Mod, and I have no power. But something that Might save you some time is a technique that I've used a couple times. I have clients over, and I'll photoshop in some changes, and then upload the altered file in Firefox, and then Order their prints in Safari. That way my cost doesn't show up.
My suggestion is to use two browsers. There are many, and odds are you currently have two browsers installed already. The suggestion is this; Set your Viewing style to Standard on one browser, and Film Strip on another. Then if you need the flyout over the original image in order to save it, it's merely an issue of browsing using a different (secondary) browser for this functionality. That way you don't alter your original settings...
I understand you want a permanent solution, but that's not something I can do... You could put it into the feature request.... but A work around might save you a bit more time.
Hers: Sony SR10, (Soon Canon 5D MKII), 85 f1.8, 28-135 USM, Stroboframe, Manfrotto NeoTec
Ours: Pair of 580 EX, Lensbaby, Studio Alien Bees, Son & TWO Daughters