Where to start in Photoshop for a Newbie
I am new to Sports Photography and to Photoshop. Here is an example picture. Where would you start in Photoshop to make it better? It was a dark rainy day, so I know the photo needs some work to lighten up some areas and a few areas are out of focus and need to be cropped. I am a little overwhelmed by all the tools in Photoshop and don't where the best place to start is. Do you start with cropping and getting the canvas you want or with touching up color? I am totally self taught. Thanks for any advice.
Thank you! That is just what I was looking for. There is so much information out there, but I need a source I can reference. I appreciate your help.
Gus' recommendation is fine if you have CS2.
If you have CS3, Kelby has a newer edition specifically for CS3 that can be a great help. I find CS3 a great deal more useful than CS2 ever was, for dozens of specific reasons.
Kelby also has a book called "Scott Kelby's 7 Point System for Photoshop" that is very task oriented, and you might find helpful.
Keep in mind that Photoshop is an immense program with lots of different ways to do things, and that most folks spend several years becoming really proficient in editing images with Photoshop.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I also think his books on digital photography are great.
It will be the best $50 you'll ever spent!
Thanks everyone for your help. I have CS3, I've done a lot of Graphic Design work in Adobe, just not with photos. I am familiar with the tools, but needed a good reference. Thanks for the book recommendation, I ordered it today.
For this photo you'll need the crop tool (easy to find) and this tutorial: Making images 'pop'
Good Luck!!
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler