Is My New Watermark Too Distracting?

I just changed the watermark on all my galleries. I don't watermark when I upload, but just use the SmugMug auto watermarking process. The one I had was too faded and rather ugly, IMO. It was on the bottom and hard to see. Now I've used new text and centered the watermark, but I think it might be too much.
Could some of you please check a couple of my galleries and LMK your thoughts?
Could some of you please check a couple of my galleries and LMK your thoughts?
I may not be the right person to answer your question since I really don't like obtrusive watermarks. I understand the need for them, but if a gallery is heavily watermarked I tend not to look at the photos. I have seen some watermarks that still allow my eyes to see the photo, but yours is heavy enough that it jumps out in front of the photo. My eyes are drawn to the watermark and not to your photos. And you have at least one photo where the watermark totally obscures what I believe is the focus point of the photo -
You're absolutely right that a watermark in the center of the photo offers more protection than one on the edges. But I believe that if you feel that you need a watermark in the center of the photo that it should be more muted.
I suspect that there are many others who will think your watermark is fine.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
My Photos:
My Blog:
I think your watermark is distracting.
There was a "watermark survey" (or maybe "watermark poll") thread here a few weeks ago. Most of the watermarks shown were very heavy-handed, but one I thought was effective and unobtrusive involved a tiled watermark that ran diagonally across the image. Since your eyes tend to focus on the vertical and horizontal, the diagonal flow doesn't hit you so hard.
I am using this approach on my galleries, but, unfortunately there are all marked as private right now while I do some extensive changes/customization.
Thanks for the comments and suggestions. I set a new watermark today and I think it works better. Again, however, any suggestions/comments are welcomed and appreciated.
Lauren Blackwell
I don't always use the faint centered watermarks but when I do I opted for the single-diagonal approach, along with my standard copyright notice in the corner: