problems with Send To and SE
I'm running on Windows 2000 Professional
I have downloaded both Send To and SE latest versions. No 'Send To' option appears when I right click on photo files.
I have tried to run both applications from their respective locations in Windows. When I do a window opens for me to choose files to upload. On doing that I'm asked to enter my e-mail, username and password. I do so but get an 'incorrect username or password' message. I have repeated this with what I know are the correct details.
Any ideas?
I have downloaded both Send To and SE latest versions. No 'Send To' option appears when I right click on photo files.
I have tried to run both applications from their respective locations in Windows. When I do a window opens for me to choose files to upload. On doing that I'm asked to enter my e-mail, username and password. I do so but get an 'incorrect username or password' message. I have repeated this with what I know are the correct details.
Any ideas?
First of all, thank you for trying S*E out!
I hope you did download the full version. Just be be sure, please check that two dlls are located next to the executable.
I also hope you did propely configured your account (there is a test button there) and were able to get the list of your albums and categories.
Once this is done, all you have to do is to go to Options (Ctrl+F11), Sent To Smugmug tab and click "install..." button. If confused, please follow the FAQ on the S*E site.
Once you done that, Send To context menu in your windows Explorer will have proper item.
Please let me know if you still have problems.
If you're talking about "Send to Smugmug", it only works when you right-click a folder, not an individual file or files. (My only complaint about the tool... other than that, I love it!)
Don works on everything:D
All you have to do is to configure it once and install the shell extension.
Just for the record:-):):
The problem persists. I do in fact have Send To Smugmug correctly installed and have preferred this app in the past (setting things up on a new computer now).
Thanks to Don I now realise it only work when selecting a folder. When I do that and then enter my e-mail, username and password, it still claims they're wrong. They're definitely not wrong.
Any ideas?
ps I've read before Send To Smugmug is designed for XP. Should it be okay on 2000?
.. is needed in fact.
I guess we need to wait for the author to troubleshoot it.
In the mean time - you still have almost two months worth of free trial left for S*E:-).
Only 700Kb to download the full version as opposed to 23Mb of .Net framework alone:-), let alone it can do a tad more..
Being mostly backoffice/database guy for the last X years kinda pays back:-)
I decided to give Star Explorer another go since I can't upload through smugmug direct (just times out) and Send to Smugmug wont work so...
I downloaded the GDI+ thing from Microsoft (I'm on Win2000). When I ran it it simply unzipped to somewhere in my system (I assume that meant it installed).
Then I removed my problem Star Explorer from my program files.
Then I downloaded the full Star Explorer installer from
Then I ran it. It asked where I wanted it and then seemed to install in less than a second. At no stage did it ask for my smugmug details.
Then I go to its new location in Program files and double click on the Star Explorer icon. Nothing happens at all. Just a split second of the egg timer cursor, and that's it. The Star Explorer folder consists of the star explorer icon and two dlls.
I urgently need to upload about 20MB of files but nothing works and I'm about to do something I regret to this new computer. Heeeeeelp!
If anyone can advise on the Star Explorer or Send to Smugmug problems (with the latter it refuses to accept my correct username and password), please do.
Many thanks,
It should be something simple. I sent you PM.
Thanks to excellent support from Nikolai, Star explorer now up and running.
Problem with Send to smugmug pesists (refuses to accept correct username and password). Hopefully if SE does the job, I wont need it.
Thanks again to you all
Thank you for your patience!
It's a darn shame it took me two hours to figure out GDI+ dll was missing...