Adding photos via email upload
I use Thunderbird as my email client. If I receive an email that has pictures attached, I'm able to use email uploading to smugmug successfully if I select "Edit Msg As New" on menu option and send the email to smugmug.
But on my webmail client, I don't have this feature available to me and simply forwarding the email to smugmug doesn't appear to work. Can you advise? Is it expected that I should be able to forward an email that I've received with attached pics or not?
Thanks -dm
PS: I believe you should switch the subj and body content semantics, so that the password is in the body and the subj is the description. Neither is secure, but at least the way I suggest doesn't result in current scenario, which is that people ask "why do you have all these emails with subject "xyz" (where "xyz" is my password), and the answer is..."err...well, that's my password for smugmug email uploading". Thanks -dm
But on my webmail client, I don't have this feature available to me and simply forwarding the email to smugmug doesn't appear to work. Can you advise? Is it expected that I should be able to forward an email that I've received with attached pics or not?
Thanks -dm
PS: I believe you should switch the subj and body content semantics, so that the password is in the body and the subj is the description. Neither is secure, but at least the way I suggest doesn't result in current scenario, which is that people ask "why do you have all these emails with subject "xyz" (where "xyz" is my password), and the answer is..."err...well, that's my password for smugmug email uploading". Thanks -dm
Thanks for your password...
You might want to check what formatting the webclient uses. If it puts text in, or puts the pictures in a format that's unacceptable... Smugmug might not know what to do with them. Try forwarding the pictures to yourself, and take a look at what is different between what you send from Thunderbird vs webclient. Another option (Although more painful) would be to download the pictures to a local drive, and then re-attach them to a fresh e-mail to smugmug (all within the webclient). Try those and report back. My guess is the formatting of the web client is messing with something.
Hers: Sony SR10, (Soon Canon 5D MKII), 85 f1.8, 28-135 USM, Stroboframe, Manfrotto NeoTec
Ours: Pair of 580 EX, Lensbaby, Studio Alien Bees, Son & TWO Daughters