Arrange photos page not working right

Yesterday my "Arrange Photos" section in my galleries has a new look. Is this correct? Anyone else have this? I have to scroll up and down to rearrange photos now. To be honest I can't remember how it used to look but I know it was not like this.
Also, the photos are consistently out of order in the rows and it is happening with every photo upload to any gallery. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Also, the photos are consistently out of order in the rows and it is happening with every photo upload to any gallery. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Previously the selector box was to the left of the photos...
yep same here - I've seen some really weird page renderings with Firefox - bit never here.. I've had to give up trying to arrange the pics.
Have tested with Safari and its doing the same thing.
Mac OSX Lepoard + Firefox 3.0/Safari.
Yay!! I found out quickly that
1. I'm not alone.
2. It is being worked on.
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"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
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Click,scroll,click,scroll,click,scroll.............I am starting to suffer from APCTS (Arrange Photo Carpal Tunnel Syndrome). Please help!
Just use the arrow keys on the keyboard. No need to use the arrows on the screen.
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Thanks for the tip!
On a single page I usually use that. A whole galley was frustrating. Never knew I could use the arrow keys!
Sometimes it works well to switch to the all thumbs view (all thumbs on screen at once) and then use the drag/drop arrange mode there for the whole gallery. When done, switch back to Smugmug view.
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Thank you for the tip.
The toolbar may have been put back on the side where it should be, but the problem of using "descending with sort off" is still there. It keeps scrambling all my pictures and this has been going on for a very long time.