Cart text some missing
I see "Buy: Photo ... Photos" instead of "Buy: This Photo ... Multiple Photos" in IE and FF. Interestingly I see the "This ... Multiple" centered as the page starts to load, then those words disappear and the cart stuff right aligns. This seemed to be intermittent before but now all the time. Was only happening in one of the browsers, not both. Now both. Here's a link:
and like this without my css:
and I removed all my Javascript and still get same result.
and like this without my css:
and I removed all my Javascript and still get same result.
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800px and larger it'll say buy: this photo buy: multiple photos
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I'm confused. My theme is SmugMug Gradient and the gallery type is SmugMug that should be stretchy, and I have stretchy=yes in custominzations. I'm not viewing in a window < 800px and I see the behavior. My screen resolution is 1024x768 and browser window in max.
I tried it on another system with wider monitor (>1500) and I do see the full words.
Seems to me that 1024x768 is fairly standard, not narrow. Is it behaving correctly?
Is this different wording behavior documented? I don't recall seeing it.
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1024x768 resolution here:
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I am just another customer so I'm using the same Smugmug system you are. In FF2, I can get it to show either "photo photos" or "photo multiple photos" just by making my browser window smaller or larger. I'd suggest clearing your browser cache, shutting down all windows of your browser and restarting, then make your browser window the maximum size and try one more time.
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Smugmug's stretchy view does look at the height of your viewport too. It wants to make sure that a portrait orientation image will fit without scrolling and it has to look at the height to know how many rows of thumbs to show. So, you will definitely get different stretchy sizes with a shorter viewport height and it is designed to be that way and kind of needs to be that way.
I'm not sure why the "Buy multiple photos" switch is related to height at all. That seems like an unusual design choice or bug - I'm not sure which.
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I hope it's a bug. 1024 with a few Toolbars is common. Let's see what SmugMug has to say.
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Hi Andy,
I'm a little surprised and still slightly confused. I took a look at my gallery with display set to 800x600 and all Toolbars turned off in both IE and FF, and I see the shrunken cart text. It seems to me that the full cart text should fit in a screen that's 800 wide. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that at 1024, the full text should be displayed regardless of the height of the screen or the number of Toolbars. If it's not a bug, then how to I go about suggesting an enhancement so the text doesn't shrink until the width of the browser window goes below 800? It just doesn't seem congruent that users with modestly modern display sizes (>800) would not consistently see the full text.
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We do have a Feature Request thread, you bet
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We just don't have the real estate to have that much text with the less wide style. We are working on removing all 3 buttons there though, and going with two - so there may be room for a more descriptive text line - hang in there
JT and Andy, what he's referring to is NOT about the width of his gallery - it's about the height of his gallery. There's a weird case where making your window shorter (not narrower) makes the text go from the full text to the abbreviated text where there is no visible reason why it would switch because the width has stayed the same and thus the space for this text has stayed the same.
I can reproduce this on his gallery and on my gallery. Start with a wide window. Shorten the viewable area until the Smugmug view switches to displaying the small image size. At that point, it switches to displaying the abbreviated version of the buy words when there's no reason for it to do so (there's plenty of width). Most of us probably don't see this, but his screen and toolbar geometry seems to put his window into this borderline case. It appears to do this when you switch to the small version of the main image, even where there is infinite width to the window.
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yes, I'm aware of that
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Your response indicated that you thought there wasn't much you could do about it so I thought I'd elaborate more on the real cause.
This could be fixed by making the algorithm that determines what text to display look at width only and be insensitive to height. Right now a switch to the shorter text is triggered by the shift to Smugmug small, even where there is plenty of width for the longer text. It's up to you if this warrants anyone doing anything about it, but at least we now understand what is going on and it wouldn't have to be this way if desired.
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When the page initially loads I see the full text. When images start loading it shifts to the shortened version.
It´s some sort of programming glitch, not an issue with toolbars and height.
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Now when my display is 1024x768 and the browser window is maximized and I have n or less Toolbars, then I see the full cart text. Same in IE and FF. This is better, but still slightly problematic.
If I resize the browser window to anything "smaller" than maximized, then it seems to display the shortened cart text, even if the width of the browser window is full.
I use FF for customization developement. Minimally I think you should support the following Toolbars when my display is 1024x768 and browser window is maximized without shrinking the cart text: Navigation, Web Developer, Status Bar, and Tabs.
As someone else reiterated earlier, when the browser window is 1024 wide, the height of the browser window should not cause the cart text to shrink. It's not a real estate issue if the width is wide enough.
Ultimately I think the cart text should not shrink until the absolute browser window width is <800 regardless of the browser window height. If it behaved like that then the vast majority of users would see the full cart text as expected.
I do appreciate the change since yesterday. Thanks for looking into it. And thanks to all the others that joined in the discussion.
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I get exactly the same results if I´m logged in (owner and visitor view) or logged out.
In all three cases I see the extended text while the page loads, and just before images start showing up it shifts to the condensed version.
Like we said, very soon, the buttons over the main image are gonna change.. so we'll see at that point, okay?
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Please give us a heads up here when the cart buttons change again so we know when to take a look. Thanks.
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