
Bug Alert ~ No Save or Cancel Buttons on Caption Edits

Pete291Pete291 Registered Users Posts: 70 Big grins
edited June 29, 2008 in SmugMug Support

There are no SAVE or CANCEL buttons on the caption and keyword edits. Just noticed it now. Thought I should report.



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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 29, 2008
    Being worked on, thanks and so sorry for the hassle :(
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    kingmamaof2kingmamaof2 Registered Users Posts: 195 Major grins
    edited June 29, 2008
    Thank you Andy! I'm having this problem too.
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    tjskytjsky Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited June 29, 2008
    Thanks, Andy.... I am having trouble with this, too. Also, on my site, all of my "Add Comment" links for the images and galleries aren't showing up, either. Hope this is being worked on, too. I have been a member for over a year and have been very impressed smugmug so far. Keep up the great work.... you guys do an awesome job!
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