posting pics in forums problem
I often post pics from my smugmug account. Sometimes I post them on my blog, and sometimes I post them to forums. Recently a strange phenomenon has occured. At first the pics appear to be posted fine. I use img src="photo url copy/pasted from the picture properties"... to post them, or the "attach picture" feature present in forums like this one (icon above).
Later, they become red x's. IF I check the properties of the url it is correct.
This is only just happening recently, and only with photos from my smugmug galleries.
How do I get it to stop? :huh
Later, they become red x's. IF I check the properties of the url it is correct.
This is only just happening recently, and only with photos from my smugmug galleries.
How do I get it to stop? :huh
Do you have external linking enabled for your gallery? Are the photos in question hidden? Do the galleries in question have right click protection on? Does the gallery in question have a password? Does your site have a password? Any of these can mess up blog and forum links.
Remember that these photos will likely already be in your browser cache (because you viewed them in the gallery) so for you to check if it's working when linked in another page, you either have to clear your browser cache or check on it with another browser/computer that has never seen that image before.
If you can give us the gallery link to the image and the URL of the web page or posting that you put it in (so we can look at both directly), I'm sure we could advise you as to what the problem is.
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OK here is the latest example, and I apologize in advance for it being kinda gross! I have a broken wrist and was posting about it on a kayaker forum.
In that example, the pics appeared for some but not others.
Here's another one. In this case sometimes I can see the pics (cached I guess) and other times they will be red Xs.
The images appear to be working fine from Smugmug. I can take any Smugmug image URL you are using in any browser and they all load fine by themselves.
As such, I suspect (but can't tell for sure) that there's some sort of HTML errors in the page that are goofing things up. I get different results in different browsers and the W3C validator reports all kinds of errors in the blog page. Other than that, I don't really know.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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I wonder what the deal is, you'd think a blogger. com page would be pretty good at posting pics.
I do know I haven't had any problems posting non-smugmug pics.
Ouch on the wrist. Sorry to hear about that. I used to be a major kayaker and would have hated to break a wrist.
The answer to the mystery is here are your gallery settings:
You have to turn on external links to make your photos show up. I did it for you on this gallery so they should show up fine but you might want to check your other galleries.
I hope you don't mind me posting it.
And another by the way: Looks like you found us way back when we first started taking customers. Thanks for sticking with us!
All the best,
I was NOT happy in that photo, but mt friend insisted I wait while he took the picture with my camera. He kept saying, "Wait! Stop! You will love this picture later!" And he was right, I do, it's one of my fav's.
And yes I love my Smugmug account, I grimace when someone asks me to look at their pics on the free sites; what a pain in the butt with all the ads etc. Meanwhile my site remains easy to navigate and so forth.
Smugmug rocks.