Dutch Cat - Fly-by Dutch Veteran Day 2008

Hi - Would like to share some shots with you of a fly-by organised yesterday afternoon on behalf of the Dutch Veterans. The restored B-25 Mitchell Bomber featured belongs to the Royal Netherlands Air Force.
Photos were taken from my apartment balcony...
Cheers - Herman
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Photos were taken from my apartment balcony...
Cheers - Herman
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My motto: To learn more today, than I knew yesterday!
Nikon gear & some lenses.
Nikon gear & some lenses.
Nikon gear & some lenses.
Nikon gear & some lenses.
Hi - Would like to share some shots with you of a fly-by organised yesterday afternoon on behalf of the Dutch Veterans. The Piliatus P7's featured belong to the Royal Netherlands Air Force. They are used to train future Dutch Jet Fighter pilots...
Photos were taken from my apartment balcony...
Cheers - Herman
Nikon gear & some lenses.
Nikon gear & some lenses.
Nikon gear & some lenses.
Hi - Would like to share some shots with you of a fly-by organised yesterday afternoon on behalf of the Dutch Veterans. The restored Catalina featured belongs to the Royal Netherlands Air Force.
Photos were taken from my apartment balcony... The aircraft was a bit far off but as it's not the regular type that you see flying around...
Guess I do need to get that Nikkor 600VR f/4 afterall!
Cheers - Herman
Nikon gear & some lenses.
Nikon gear & some lenses.
Nikon gear & some lenses.
Talk about being able to take photos of airshows in the comfort of your own home........ I think that's wonderful that you can actually do that <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/nod.gif" border="0" alt="" >
I really like the formation shots Herman <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/thumb.gif" border="0" alt="" > ... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Neat shots, what a wonderful seat you had for this special occasion.
Very nicely done!!
Burleson, Texas