
Spyder2Express - HELP

BlackwoodBlackwood Registered Users Posts: 313 Major grins
edited July 6, 2008 in Digital Darkroom
I picked up the Spyder2Express color calibrator, and the profiles it measures makes my display look... wrong. Pure while looks yellow.

Am I doing something wrong? Using it on a Samsung CRT.


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    VanquizVanquiz Registered Users Posts: 199 Major grins
    edited July 1, 2008
    Did you reset the monitor setting already before you calibrate it ? I used Spyder2express with Samsung 940mw, works fine

    EDIT : I just saw yours is CRT, so not really sure about its compatibility, but Spyder2express should works on CRT as well
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    BlackwoodBlackwood Registered Users Posts: 313 Major grins
    edited July 2, 2008
    It does support CRTs. The only difference is that you take off the little bottom plate on the unit.

    I set the monitor such that I could see the four white and black boxes as required in the process.

    MAYBE it's right, but everything looks dingy and yellowed.
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    Manfr3dManfr3d Registered Users Posts: 2,008 Major grins
    edited July 6, 2008
    The colorimeter is only able to calibrate your monitor to the
    extend that the monitor supports it. If I had to guess I would
    say that some setting on the monitor was wrong since the
    beginning. My guess is that the color temperature is simply
    not what you like it to be.
    “To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.”
    ― Edward Weston
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    BlackwoodBlackwood Registered Users Posts: 313 Major grins
    edited July 6, 2008
    You are correct. Thanks

    When you run the software, a screen comes up that says something to the effect of "color temp should be 5500K. Click next to set it."

    So I ASSumed that the software would be interfacing with my display drivers. How wrong I was. I finally checked, and it was set to 9000K. Made that change, and now it looks great.
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