Spyder2Express - HELP

I picked up the Spyder2Express color calibrator, and the profiles it measures makes my display look... wrong. Pure while looks yellow.
Am I doing something wrong? Using it on a Samsung CRT.
Am I doing something wrong? Using it on a Samsung CRT.
EDIT : I just saw yours is CRT, so not really sure about its compatibility, but Spyder2express should works on CRT as well
I set the monitor such that I could see the four white and black boxes as required in the process.
MAYBE it's right, but everything looks dingy and yellowed.
extend that the monitor supports it. If I had to guess I would
say that some setting on the monitor was wrong since the
beginning. My guess is that the color temperature is simply
not what you like it to be.
― Edward Weston
When you run the software, a screen comes up that says something to the effect of "color temp should be 5500K. Click next to set it."
So I ASSumed that the software would be interfacing with my display drivers. How wrong I was. I finally checked, and it was set to 9000K. Made that change, and now it looks great.