
Faucet with Drop

MemoryMemory Registered Users Posts: 13 Big grins
edited July 5, 2008 in Other Cool Shots
I was just messing around taking shots of water dripping form the faucet, shut the lights out and used a flashlight shining through the drops. Here is the results. It was the best shot and made me happy that I had setup and taken the pictures. Comments are appreciated: both good and bad.


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    RocketManRocketMan Registered Users Posts: 236 Major grins
    edited July 5, 2008
    I like this. the high-lighting on the drop of water and colors from the detraction are really nice and the way the lighting has changed the apparent shape of the drop of water. Two things I would try is to either remove the facet all together or light it a "tad" more, it seems lost and almost invisible in this shot. If you could capture just the drop seemly suspend in air and include the strand of water up to but not including the facet ?

    "It's better to bite the hand that feeds you, than to feed the hand that bites you" - Me :D
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    MemoryMemory Registered Users Posts: 13 Big grins
    edited July 5, 2008
    Made some changes
    RocketMan wrote:
    I like this. the high-lighting on the drop of water and colors from the detraction are really nice and the way the lighting has changed the apparent shape of the drop of water. Two things I would try is to either remove the facet all together or light it a "tad" more, it seems lost and almost invisible in this shot. If you could capture just the drop seemly suspend in air and include the strand of water up to but not including the facet ?


    Thanks for the reply. I played around with your recommendation on just the drop and I do like the look. Below is the picture:


    I actually did change the levels on this photo to bring out the faucet more below is the original unmodified shot for reference:

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    saurorasaurora Registered Users Posts: 4,320 Major grins
    edited July 5, 2008
    Very cool!!! I actually think I like the lighting (especially the highlights on the edge of the faucet) in your original better. But I do like all versions...it's a close call for me! thumb.gif
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