HELP! My photos aren't safe

RikkiRikki Registered Users Posts: 38 Big grins
edited July 7, 2008 in SmugMug Support
Ok. So I decided to google my name - Rikki Dy-Liacco. Then I clicked on images. Then I noticed that some of my thumbnails from my SmugMug account showed up. I'm thinking, "Hey cool".

Well not quite. Digging deeper into the images and the original source of images, I realized that someone somehow had founf a way to hack into my site thus exposing the original files. You can see the hacked link here:

Any thoughts? I would hate to think that these images are floating out there for someone to steal.




  • devbobodevbobo Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,339 SmugMug Employee
    edited July 3, 2008
    Hey Rikki,

    If you don't want your originals accessible, you need to set the gallery option 'Largest Size' to something other than 'Original'.


    David Parry
    SmugMug API Developer
    My Photos
  • RikkiRikki Registered Users Posts: 38 Big grins
    edited July 3, 2008
    But what if I'm selling them for prints? Would that prevent it? Thanks.
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited July 3, 2008
    Rikki wrote:
    But what if I'm selling them for prints? Would that prevent it? Thanks.

    You can set whatever maximum size you want available on the web and the original size is safely stored away at Smugmug and used for prints that people order, regardless of that setting. So, you could set the maximum size to L or XL and that's all that a web viewer could ever see, but if they ordered a print, that print would be made from your original.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • nobodynobody Registered Users Posts: 94 Big grins
    edited July 3, 2008
    Rikki wrote:
    Ok. So I decided to google my name - Rikki Dy-Liacco. Then I clicked on images. Then I noticed that some of my thumbnails from my SmugMug account showed up. I'm thinking, "Hey cool".

    Well not quite. Digging deeper into the images and the original source of images, I realized that someone somehow had founf a way to hack into my site thus exposing the original files. You can see the hacked link here:

    Any thoughts? I would hate to think that these images are floating out there for someone to steal.



    What you posted may only be a "hack" around right-click protection. If that is all it is, it's nothing new. The important thing is to watermark them and do it well. Right-click protection is not really an absolute lock against downloads, it's just an obstacle and inconvenience to those who download. All it really does is prevent the viewer from seeing the image's URL when they right click. The image still has a URL, it just requires some digging to find it. Of all the security measures, a prominent watermark is the most important. Next to that woud be choosing the largest image size you make available (which is the biggest file they can download), and finally right-click protection. You could watermark it to death and make the larger sizes available, or make a less prominent watermark and only have smaller sizes available. If you have very exacting customers, the first option may be a good one so they can inspect the file in detail before they buy it.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 3, 2008
    Hi Ricci, looks like you're a pro :) you haven't been hacked, that's a feed - feeds are ways that people can keep up with your site :)

    See here, for more:

    They can be blocked, limited but I don't recommend it because they're great for exposure.

    Use sensible precautions (block largest sizes if you wish, use watermarking, too).
  • KyleCKyleC Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited July 3, 2008
    My rss feeds have tiny images in them, i would assume thats because i have "originals" turned off?!

    I just wanted to make sure xl2 sized images were not exposed via rss.
  • RikkiRikki Registered Users Posts: 38 Big grins
    edited July 7, 2008
    Thanks Andy! I'm far from a pro :) Just a hobby of mine.

    Anyway, ok I didn't realize that's an RSS feed. Whew! But in any event, I'll still minimize the image size that people see. Sorry. I just freaked out when I saw that!

    Thanks all!

    Andy wrote:
    Hi Ricci, looks like you're a pro :) you haven't been hacked, that's a feed - feeds are ways that people can keep up with your site :)

    See here, for more:

    They can be blocked, limited but I don't recommend it because they're great for exposure.

    Use sensible precautions (block largest sizes if you wish, use watermarking, too).
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 7, 2008
    Rikki wrote:
    Thanks Andy! I'm far from a pro :) Just a hobby of mine.

    Anyway, ok I didn't realize that's an RSS feed. Whew! But in any event, I'll still minimize the image size that people see. Sorry. I just freaked out when I saw that!

    Thanks all!
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