What picture size, format and compression is optimal for SmugMug?

cryptochromecryptochrome Registered Users Posts: 46 Big grins
edited July 4, 2008 in SmugMug Support

while playing around with SmugMug for the first time, I noticed I coul even upload full sized PNG images and SmugMug will not compress them or convert them to JPEG. Also, the maximum size a picture can be viewed in seems to be fixed.

So my question is, what would be the optimal pictures size and compression level to apply to my pictures before uploading here? Doesn't seem to make much sense uploading large 2600*2600 files if SmugMug seems to size them down to a much smaller size...

I hope this makes some sense, excuse my complicated english please :)

Just started to build my SmugMug galleries:


  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited July 3, 2008

    while playing around with SmugMug for the first time, I noticed I coul even upload full sized PNG images and SmugMug will not compress them or convert them to JPEG. Also, the maximum size a picture can be viewed in seems to be fixed.

    So my question is, what would be the optimal pictures size and compression level to apply to my pictures before uploading here? Doesn't seem to make much sense uploading large 2600*2600 files if SmugMug seems to size them down to a much smaller size...

    I hope this makes some sense, excuse my complicated english please :)

    There are four main reasons (that I can think of at the moment) to upload your full resolution originals:
    1. Use Smugmug for backups. Since they are unlimited storage and have triply redudant storage, some people use their uploads as a means of safe keeping for some or all of their images.
    2. Ordering prints through Smugmug. If you want to personally order prints through Smugmug or want your family, friends, colleagues or customers to be able to order prints through your Smugmug galleries, then the full resolution images will be used for printing, even if you don't enable them for web display.
    3. Full screen slideshows on large monitors may render custom sized images based on the full resolution image.
    4. You sometimes like to let your friends or family have access to the full resolution originals so they can either make their own prints or download the image for their own digital album, slideshow, etc...
    When you upload an image to Smugmug, it automatically generates a whole bunch of smaller image sizes that are used for web display. There are two sizes of thumbs and six viewing sizes (S, M, L, XL, X2, X3). These are all created automatically based on what you upload as long as what you upload is large enough.

    You can control how large an image your web viewers can see. Pros can set anything from medium to original. Other account levels still have some control, I think it's just not quite as granular. The only reason to limit the max viewing size is if you worry about your images getting stolen in a resolution large enough to make a decent sized print. I generally want to enable the best web viewing experience so I don't limit the web sizes other than in some galleries, I don't allow viewers to get to the original image.

    Smugmug also has a full screen slideshow feature which will auto-generate a custom size to fit the viewer's screen. The slideshow respects your max allowable viewing size and won't generate something larger than that, but if you allow all sizes and upload full resolution files, it will fill the viewer's screen, no matter how large the screen is.

    Since storage is free at Smugmug and you can block access to the originals, the only reason I can think of not to upload originals is if you want to do faster uploads (by uploading smaller sizes). If that's the case and you aren't going to *ever* do any of the things mentioned above that work off the full resolution image, then you can consider resizing your images to the dimension of the max web viewing size that you allow (XL2 is 1600 pixels on the long side) before upload. But, just be aware that you give up access to some of the other great features if you do that.

    I personally upload full resolution originals except for the case where I have a huge event (1000+) pictures that I have to get up quickly. In that case, I often resize to 6MP (my originals are 12MP) and upload those just to cut my upload times in half.

    As for JPEG compression, JPEG quality level 10 is more than enough, some people go as low as level 8 with no discernible difference on screen or in print. I personally just do level 10. Levels 11 and 12 seem like a waste of filesize and upload time to me. Level 12 is almost 3x the size of level 10.
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  • BaldyBaldy Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,853 moderator
    edited July 3, 2008
    Exactly what John said +1 more thing:


    That's how you make custom photo sizes on the fly to embed wherever you want.
  • cryptochromecryptochrome Registered Users Posts: 46 Big grins
    edited July 4, 2008

    thank you very much for your detailed response. Things are much clearer now to me.

    When I first tried uploading some pictures, I used original size PNGs. To my surprise, SMugMug did not convert them to JPEG, which resulted in very slow download times for the viewer. So I guess I better upload JPEGs?

    Also, in my case, I was only offered three different sizes after the upload. The largest one still being pretty small. Is that because I have the standard account?

    Just started to build my SmugMug galleries:
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited July 4, 2008

    thank you very much for your detailed response. Things are much clearer now to me.

    When I first tried uploading some pictures, I used original size PNGs. To my surprise, SMugMug did not convert them to JPEG, which resulted in very slow download times for the viewer. So I guess I better upload JPEGs?

    Also, in my case, I was only offered three different sizes after the upload. The largest one still being pretty small. Is that because I have the standard account?

    Look in your gallery settings. Set the "Largest Size" to something larger.

    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • cryptochromecryptochrome Registered Users Posts: 46 Big grins
    edited July 4, 2008
    jfriend wrote:
    Look in your gallery settings. Set the "Largest Size" to something larger.


    Hm. I don't have that in my gallery settings....ne_nau.gif

    Just started to build my SmugMug galleries:
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited July 4, 2008
    Hm. I don't have that in my gallery settings....ne_nau.gif

    Are you sure? Pro accounts have a few more choices, but every account level has this option. Can you post a screen shot of the "security & privacy" section in your gallery settings? Here's the help page on that: http://www.smugmug.com/help/picture-storage (expand the security & privacy section of the page).

    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • cryptochromecryptochrome Registered Users Posts: 46 Big grins
    edited July 4, 2008
    Sorry John, I was mistaken. The setting is there. Must have overlooked it. I just woke up, so please excuse my blindness :)

    All questions ansered, thanks for your help!


    Just started to build my SmugMug galleries:
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