How To Bulk Delete SmugMug Galleries?
I just tried to migrate all my albums over from Phanfare using Smugglr. The first time, it didn't complete, so I had to try it again. After the third attempt, I think it worked, but it duplicated/triplicated all my albums (hundreds). So now I'm looking for a method to delete all of them and start over, without going into each individual gallery and selecting 'Delete Gallery'. This will take days. Any suggestions/tools?
Thank you.
Thank you.
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I had one category that had TONS of albums in it. When I pressed Delete, it didn't confirm that it's going to delete, and so far, everything is still there.
Is it just going to take a long time and am I being impatient, or is it some sort of a safety mechanism, to prevent people from mass deleting everything?
If there is an easier way to bulk delete everything in my account, let me know :-)
Thx :-)