Aces High

Last weekend, a bunch of us from POTN chartered a couple of boats for the RI Airshow. I had never been to an airshow, so it was a lot of fun. Here are a few of the pictures myself and my wife took. I was using a 40D with a 70-300 and she was using an S5 with a 1.4x TC. I've since learned how to unstick propellers
C&C welcomed.
1. C-130

2. Navy F-18

3. USAF F-15

4. USAF B-52

5. USAF Blackhawk

6. UH1H Huey, Blackhawk, Coast Guard boat combined arms demo in background

7. RAF Red Arrows

1. C-130

2. Navy F-18

3. USAF F-15

4. USAF B-52

5. USAF Blackhawk

6. UH1H Huey, Blackhawk, Coast Guard boat combined arms demo in background

7. RAF Red Arrows