Lost site formatting
Morning all
MY site seems to have lost a lot of formatting?
My custom menu looks like a list and is bunched up on the right hand side whereas before it was right justified but spreadacross one line.
My Bio photo is showing up now when it wasn't before, it feels like I have lost all my customisation code but when I check it is all there.
The site is changed around the custom menu and front page, I am hoping this is a central issue as it is nothing I have done.
Would someone mind checking please.
Thanks a lot.
MY site seems to have lost a lot of formatting?
My custom menu looks like a list and is bunched up on the right hand side whereas before it was right justified but spreadacross one line.
My Bio photo is showing up now when it wasn't before, it feels like I have lost all my customisation code but when I check it is all there.
The site is changed around the custom menu and front page, I am hoping this is a central issue as it is nothing I have done.
Would someone mind checking please.
Thanks a lot.
Home Page: http://www.anthonyjstewart.com
Could you try clearing your browser cache, closing and reopening your browser?
Doesn't mean there's not a network issue but I wanted to let you know that it's looking normal here.
Stay tuned
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Very odd but no harm done.