watermarking more than one gallery at a time
Hi, I'd like to be able to turn off or on watermarking for say, all my portrait galleries, which are becoming many, so I don't to do this manually.. I don't see a way of doing that, or is there?
-- Paul
-- Paul
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I won't sell out even if the whole world think's I'm crazy.
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Cool, I'll try it as soon as there's a version that works on FF 3, as I also use that.
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Okay, it works with Flock, but I still can't turn on watermarking for many photos at once. I can turn on watermarking for new photos by turning it on per gallery, but that won't make the watermarks apply to the photos already in the galleries. Or is there a smart way to do that which I'm not seeing?
-- Paul
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So what if I have 1000 galleries and I want to change my watermark?
I mean, basically, that's what I asked at the start of this thread, then you gave me a link to SmugBrowser, but now you say it can't do that
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