Findability part deux: Social Websites

So.. in addition to our current stuff on maximizing findability....
Let's talk about how you are using the Social Web to enhance your visibilty and get customers.
I'm on <a href="">Twitter</a>, <a href="">Facebook</a>, <a href="">LinkedIn</a>, <a href="">MySpace</a> and <a href="">FriendFeed</a>.
In fact, it pays off... Just got this via friendfeed:
... wrote about this photo on Jul 5th
[8:14pm] "Awesome photo Andy! Really great firework capture! Found this from your FriendFeed and I'm so glad I did. Excellent work!"
I know some Senior Shooters that freely promote the use of some images on their clients' myspace and facebook pages.... they make it part of the deal.
So, what are you doing? :ear
Let's talk about how you are using the Social Web to enhance your visibilty and get customers.
I'm on <a href="">Twitter</a>, <a href="">Facebook</a>, <a href="">LinkedIn</a>, <a href="">MySpace</a> and <a href="">FriendFeed</a>.
In fact, it pays off... Just got this via friendfeed:
... wrote about this photo on Jul 5th
[8:14pm] "Awesome photo Andy! Really great firework capture! Found this from your FriendFeed and I'm so glad I did. Excellent work!"
I know some Senior Shooters that freely promote the use of some images on their clients' myspace and facebook pages.... they make it part of the deal.
So, what are you doing? :ear
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I have been using my blog to promote my site. Joined a few blogging communities and am getting more and more exposure for my work.
A couple of my photos and stories have been sydicated through some big name newpapers.
A lot of work but so worth it!
And don't forget to join the various group, submit your photos to groups and comment on other people's photos.
Flickr is best when you get involved....