Google search

KashKash Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
edited July 6, 2008 in SmugMug Support

I'm not great with computers and the associated jargon so please bear with me if I say anything stupid.:rolleyes

I have just finished setting up my site and thought I would Google myself thinking I was bound to pop up first in the list but nothing at all about my SmugMug site came up! I have my own domain name set to it and I know that works because I have used it to tell people how to get to my site, however I have noticed that in the search window at the top it goes back to saying instead of the is there some sort of setting I need to check to sort this out?

Also how do I get it so I turn up on a Google search?

I hope I have made some sense, thanks in advance for any help,



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