Which Lenses for a Safari?
I'll be on a safari in South Africa, Zambia and Botswana later this month. I've got a very strict 26 lb weight limit for all my stuff, clothes to toothbrush to camera gear.
In other forum, I'm asking about light weight binoculars to add to my bag, but here I would really appreciate advice on which lenses to take.
I'll have a 1K Mk III body, along with a 30D backup. My lens choices are:
17 - 40 f/2.8L
24 - 70 f/2.8L
70 - 200 f/2.8L IS
300 f/2.8L IS
I feel like I need to take the heaviest--the 300--because not having it would be a huge shame. What about the others, though? I can see using the 17 - 40 for landscapes, the 24 - 70 around camp for people, and the 70 - 200 in the bush for wildlife too close for the 300.
I've never been on a safari, though, and have no idea what to expect. Of these four lenses, are any of them not worth taking?
Final question--Is there any conceivable use for a flash (580 EX II). That's also very heavy, and I don't know if need that.
Any advice would be much appreciated!
In other forum, I'm asking about light weight binoculars to add to my bag, but here I would really appreciate advice on which lenses to take.
I'll have a 1K Mk III body, along with a 30D backup. My lens choices are:
17 - 40 f/2.8L
24 - 70 f/2.8L
70 - 200 f/2.8L IS
300 f/2.8L IS
I feel like I need to take the heaviest--the 300--because not having it would be a huge shame. What about the others, though? I can see using the 17 - 40 for landscapes, the 24 - 70 around camp for people, and the 70 - 200 in the bush for wildlife too close for the 300.
I've never been on a safari, though, and have no idea what to expect. Of these four lenses, are any of them not worth taking?
Final question--Is there any conceivable use for a flash (580 EX II). That's also very heavy, and I don't know if need that.
Any advice would be much appreciated!
The 300 and the 70-200 may be somewhat useful at times.
If this is a once in a lifetime thing...then buy a 400 DO IS (lighter and longer than the 300). I would also prefer the 100-400 over the 70-200 for a safari. At least get the tc's for the 300 if buying an expensive lens is not an option.
Thanks! Yes, this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, but I can't buy much more. I could get the teleconverter--great idea.
This is a family trip, and so the people shots are as important as the wildlife.
Of the 4 lenses I mentioned, which would you leave home, if buying anything other than a tc is not an option?
I taught a friend to use my 20d before she went and then we bought a 100-400...the shots are beyond stunning. It takes some practice to use since it is a push-pull.
To combine with it the 24-70 would cover you at the wide end and I would probably pop a 50 mm in the bag for when you want to walk around light or even a digicam if you are going to Victoria Falls. Don't forget rain gear for the camera.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
The 17-40.
Get both the 1.4x and the 2x for the 300 (it takes them well).
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