>>> VOTE for the 2.3 (Feathered or Scaled) winning photo!
Another fantastic round, congratulations to all who entered! Our judges, fashiznitsngrins and greensquared, have chosen the following finalists from which your votes will select the winner. In their independent selections for ten best photos, they agreed on 5 this time, giving us 15 finalists.
This is an open vote, all DGrin members are eligible to have their say. The poll closes 3 days from now, go go go!!!
In order of entry, the best Feathered or Scaled photos:
03 - Wacrer – The Calling

05 – pemmett – A depressing view no matter how you look at it

08 - KurtPreston – Overflight

10 - DCorrin – Ah, youth.

12 – Nikolai – Paradise Bird

18 – richtersl – The ABC’s of Playing Piano

19 - Vanquiz – I Am Just as Big as You…

20 – pyroPrints.com – Plumage on the water (or branch on a blue civic)

22 - Halite – Winged Director

26 – The Curious Camel – Number 62 and 49 on the life cycle

29 – photobrando – You’re being watched – I’m being watched

33 – Karrie McD – It’s the style

35 - jko – Weighing the Air Above Me

38 - jeffmeyers – Try Me

42 - SciurusNiger – Watching the Dawn

The entry thread was here.
The critique thread, including the critique on these finalists directly from your judges is here.
This is an open vote, all DGrin members are eligible to have their say. The poll closes 3 days from now, go go go!!!
In order of entry, the best Feathered or Scaled photos:
03 - Wacrer – The Calling

05 – pemmett – A depressing view no matter how you look at it

08 - KurtPreston – Overflight

10 - DCorrin – Ah, youth.

12 – Nikolai – Paradise Bird

18 – richtersl – The ABC’s of Playing Piano

19 - Vanquiz – I Am Just as Big as You…

20 – pyroPrints.com – Plumage on the water (or branch on a blue civic)

22 - Halite – Winged Director

26 – The Curious Camel – Number 62 and 49 on the life cycle

29 – photobrando – You’re being watched – I’m being watched

33 – Karrie McD – It’s the style

35 - jko – Weighing the Air Above Me

38 - jeffmeyers – Try Me

42 - SciurusNiger – Watching the Dawn

The entry thread was here.
The critique thread, including the critique on these finalists directly from your judges is here.
Since 2004...
VOTE for the best "Feathered or Scaled" photo 114 votes
03 - Wacrer – The Calling
19 votes
05 - pemmett – A depressing view no matter how you look at it
4 votes
08 - KurtPreston – Overflight
21 votes
10 - DCorrin – Ah, youth.
5 votes
12 - Nikolai – Paradise Bird
4 votes
18 - richtersl – The ABC’s of Playing Piano
6 votes
19 - Vanquiz – I Am Just as Big as You…
2 votes
20 - pyroPrints.com – Plumage on the water (or branch on a blue civic)
4 votes
22 - Halite – Winged Director
9 votes
26 - The Curious Camel – Number 62 and 49 on the life cycle
12 votes
29 - photobrando – You’re being watched – I’m being watched
11 votes
33 - Karrie McD – It’s the style
2 votes
35 - jko – Weighing the Air Above Me
3 votes
38 - jeffmeyers – Try Me
9 votes
42 - SciurusNiger – Watching the Dawn
3 votes
Voters: unfortunately, if you can't see it, you can't vote for it. We have always warned all contestants not to move their photos within their accounts. It seems that this has happened. I will of course investigate.
***Mod Edit: photo removed - I fixed it up above (the link was indeed different
Here are the sorted results:
(Place - entry# - dgrinner - title - votes - %)
1 - 08 - KurtPreston – Overflight - 21.00 - 18.42%
2 - 03 - Wacrer – The Calling - 19.00 - 16.67%
3 - 26 - The Curious Camel – Number 62 and 49 on the life cycle - 12.00 - 10.53%
4 - 29 - photobrando – You’re being watched – I’m being watched - 11.00 - 9.65%
5 - 22 - Halite – Winged Director - 9.00 - 7.89%
5 - 38 - jeffmeyers – Try Me - 9.00 - 7.89%
6 - 18 - richtersl – The ABC’s of Playing Piano - 6.00 - 5.26%
7 - 10 - DCorrin – Ah, youth. - 5.00 - 4.39%
8 - 05 - pemmett – A depressing view no matter how you look at it - 4.00 - 3.51%
8 - 12 - Nikolai – Paradise Bird - 4.00 - 3.51%
8 - 20 - pyroPrints.com – Plumage on the water (or branch on a blue civic) - 4.00 - 3.51%
9 - 35 - jko – Weighing the Air Above Me - 3.00 - 2.63%
9 - 42 - SciurusNiger – Watching the Dawn - 3.00 - 2.63%
10 - 19 - Vanquiz – I Am Just as Big as You… - 2.00 - 1.75%
10 - 33 - Karrie McD – It’s the style - 2.00 - 1.75%
Congratulations to our winner, KurtPreston, on an excellent photo
*The winning photo has been added to the winners gallery.
woohoo, told you it was the best =c) grats
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
Great job, everyone. Thank you, judges, and Smugmug.
"Where beauty moves and wit delights and signs of kindness bind me; there, oh there, whe'er I go I leave my heart behind me." (Thomas Ford, 1607)
*speech, speech, speech*
Scott McPherson
Why Thank you all!
The nest where the female osprey is raising her chicks is in the center of this Google Map view - A telephone pole with nest platform on top, shows as a little whitish dot.
She has people walking under her nest all the time, but after her chicks hatch ... she'll aggresively try to drive off anyone who pays any attention to the nest by looking directly at it, or pulling out a camera with a long lens
She's one of my favorite subjects because she has a habit of making strong eye contact. I was fortunate enough to finally catch her almost directly overhead with the sun low enough so she wasn't totally dark underneath.
This is a shot of her on an earlier pass, that I almost entered instead ... but the eye contact was too good on the one I eventually chose.
What an icy glare.