Soccer Theory
I thought I had arrived, but alas, after reading some excellent feedback on a photo in my gallery -- I'm back to _working_ on my kraft 
This weeks galleries
4th Grade
2nd Grade
1st Grade
I slowed the shutter down to get a bit of motion blur:

I've been a confirmed jpg shooter, but ever since RAW Shooter came out, I've been shooting raw. Love the workflow.
Currently, I shoot RAW+Jpg, convert in RSE with sharpening...then crop with jpg crops.

This weeks galleries
4th Grade
2nd Grade
1st Grade
I slowed the shutter down to get a bit of motion blur:

I've been a confirmed jpg shooter, but ever since RAW Shooter came out, I've been shooting raw. Love the workflow.
Currently, I shoot RAW+Jpg, convert in RSE with sharpening...then crop with jpg crops.
Now, I do have a sizable it was NOT the most comfortable shooting position I ever tried. Other than the discomfort, I found it surprisingly difficult to follow the action, frame and shoot from that position.
Still....for variety's sake, I think the effort was worth it.
And just how "slow" was your shutter speed on those blur shots?
A former sports shooter
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Not quite the same look as having the camera inches from the ground pointed up...but probably a LOT more comforatable
Around 1/250 to 1/320 or so. You can get the exact exif's by going to the galleries.
Then again, I can imagine quite a dramatic look at an on goal kick taken from the ground mere feet away looking up at the players.
I like both minor modifications you tried. The slower speed is a nice change of pace (especially if you can still get sharp faces) and the "grass level" shots are also very kewl and not often seen
These all came out nicely
Thanks for sharing,
Here's a different shot
Not the most exciting action shot, but I just LOVE that bridge in the background.