rss feeds
I was under the impression that visitors can subscribe to galleries via RSS feed to be notified when new photos are added. But I don't have RSS links on my smugmug site and can't find any setting to turn them on. Can someone point me in the right direction? TIA
You have this:
#feeds { display: none; }
in your CSS customization which is hiding the feeds. Remove that and you will have feeds UI.
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Why oh why do people that want to be found, instantly hide those feeds?
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Why, oh why can't people who don't want to be found completely disable those feeds?
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As soon as I go to my home page (logeed in or logged out) FireFox adds the little orange logo to the address bar to indicate a "Live Bookmark" or RSS feed is available, even though I have
in my CSS customization. All that seems to do is remove the feed link from the footer.
If there is a way to actually turn off feeds completely I would love to hear it.
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Ok so i'm confused... I went to your site, and I see that you are selling stuff. Why don't you want feeds again? I'm trying to understand, not be confrontational
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I am wondering the same thing. I know about the visibility but I would still like to disable that sometimes. I used to have the clickable feed at the bottom of the page but removed it and was surprised when a friend commented on pictures I had just loaded that where even with "hide owner" turned on (kittens my mother wanted to give away).
He knew from RSS feed.
Is it still impossible to disable, not just hide the clickable link?
When I load "unlisted galleries" for family functions and such, I really don't want people seeing them. That's why they're "unlisted".
I'd rather people SEE my work, than not so I'm not disabling anything, but there's only a few galleries I'd like to have feeds for.
Are the feeds only "ON" or "OFF"?
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( ) I don't think I want that updating on the main page at, but......I guess all in all it doesn't matter.
I do wish there was a way to just have feeds from the News-Media side of the site show up though...'ve got some fantastic images on your site John. And those shot on your "popular" page were shot with a D70??? (feeling QUITE inadequate!!!)
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Toys: Nikon D3x, D300s w/MD10 grip, D300, Fuji S3Pro &S2Pro,
Nikon 18-200 VR, Nikkor 80-200 2.8, Nikon 105mm 2.8
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I would like to know how to enable feeds if my footer is turned off. I can't find a way to turn the icons on for users.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
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Since the new Contact Page will not yet work properly in a navbar without turning off the footer, can I add the feed links manually using
I would be happier to turn my footer back on, if and when the javascript contention can be figured out by someone using the Contact Page in the navbar.
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Hi jfriend;
Saturday morning I figured out how to move the SM mini-footer code up into my navbar, and it seemed to be working fine. Then, I discoverd that changes I made to it, like changing the text, "Contact this gallery owner", or adding an image using RogersDA's concept only worked while I was logged in. When I logged out and clicked the same link, I still got the stock Contact Page. This holds true even if I disable the "Contact" link from the SM mini-footer. But, if I completely shut off the mini-footer, then the link in my navbar works perfectly.
Hence, I was trying to figure out how to get feeds turned back on.
Click Share - Get A Link - Feed Links
Choose Create a Feed Wizard at the bottom using "Recent Galleries", for example. I grabbed an RSS icon off the internet and stored it on my site.
In the Footer of my customization I created a feed using the link from the wizard.
My first example
[html]<center><strong><font color=#ffffff><br>Available Feeds<br><a href=""><img src="/photos/773492941_HuCkP-Ti.png" width="20 height="20"/></a></center></font></strong>[/html]
You will have to change your site and your image (or use plain text in lieu of the image).
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Perfect, thanks, RogersDA
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Thanks, David, and thanks for all your help and insight as well. We are tweaking what is already the ultimate photo software.