Tip! Discrete solution for slugging around the D300/70-200VR lens + TC

Hi - would like to share my "discrete" solution for slugging around my D300+grip and a mounted 70-200 plus teleconverter (in my case 1.7x).
In fact, it even fits my D300+grip and a mounted Sigma 50-500 (BIGMA)!
The compact Lowepro SlingShot 100 accommodates the above when the inner compartment (near the top op the bag) is removed. There's even space left over to take along extras...
My solution for discretely transporting a "giant" in a "dwarfs" outfit!
Cheers - Herman
In fact, it even fits my D300+grip and a mounted Sigma 50-500 (BIGMA)!
The compact Lowepro SlingShot 100 accommodates the above when the inner compartment (near the top op the bag) is removed. There's even space left over to take along extras...
My solution for discretely transporting a "giant" in a "dwarfs" outfit!
Cheers - Herman
My motto: To learn more today, than I knew yesterday!
Nikon gear & some lenses.
Nikon gear & some lenses.
Art, the base of the top compartment was simply cut out from the inside with a pair of scissors.
Attached is a photo showing my D300+grip including a mounted Sigma 50-500 lens.
Cheers - Herman
Nikon gear & some lenses.
But then do muggers really care how much a snatched bag is worth?? I think "discrete" I think "anti-theft." How often are cameras snatched?
Thanx for the pix....and description...really appreciate it.
Not often when attached to the human body.....It happens more i am sure when a bag is set down and the owner is immersed in getting the shot.
I have never even had anyone try to snag one of mine ever....not in the USA or Europe and I do not try to hide the fact that I am carrying a camera bag.....I go for protection of my gear over making it look UN like a camera carrying system.....but I do not ever sit my camera or bags down and leave them either....if my backpack is on the ground my foot is thru the arm straps.:D
I have a giant rectangular monster I keep everything in. When I venture away from him [because he's mostly empty right now, no gear] I take my Nintendo Gameboy bag and a few belt attachments and walk off that way. I carry my camera and keep the strap around my neck and the camera body in one hand at all times.