More Z's and G's(and HDRI's)

Attended yet another car meet(this time with my own G as noted previously) to gain some more clientele. Here are a few of the results, multiple versions of a couple. Notice though, I'm getting very Steve Demmitt'ish with my mildness of the HDR PP on some of these shots, I really like where my skills are going with this type of photography. FYI for the gearheads, that black 350Z shown first makes 514whp. It's SICK!

Kind Regards,

Kind Regards,
Modus Imagery
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel:
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel:
And what mods does the 500+rwhp Z have? (I used to have a ~350rwhp ZTT and now have a 596rwhp C5).
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
I'm not sure to be honest, I know it's a sponsored car, fully built VQ35 with twin turbos I THINK pushing 15lbs.. I think if my memory serves me correctly.
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel:
How many shots do you normally use for your HDR?
usually 3, I can easily get away with 1 if I need it. In some experimentation I've used 27 shots, but the noise gets insane. I'd like to try it again with pre-processing all of the raw files and removing all of the non-linear noise from each file then try dual white balance curve HDR processing such as this photo:
this is 15 shots with cloud stutter removed. 7 with very cool WB, 7 with very warm WB, and 1 right in the middle, properly exposed. This is where I draw the clouds from so they're not too blurred.
The effect is dramatic, you'll notice that at a certain tone level, the WB changes from warm to cool.
But for the semi-dramatic and semi otherworldly I've found my settings work quite nicely with 1 to 3 shots.
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel:
I use photomatix for HDR processing and CS3 for curve and final processing.
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel:
Anyways thet 350z looks so darn evil... I think i want to drive it... HARD! Is it a tt engine? i just had in mind that you will se some more pressurepipes going from the intercooler in to the intake etc.. This looks very much like a sleeper tt conversion or a supercharged one. Either way it is a beuty!
But my favourite one is the one @ the red light (?) or what it is.. With them yellow lines.
You are a lucky man to be driving a G35
In sweden we put big turbines on a bmw E30 with a M5 or M3 engine and woallahh you have your self some 100 mph 4th gear wheelspin
Lovely to see that you are doing your thing and foud what you like. I support your work and i think it is very good!
Best regards // Petrol head from sweden
Thanks Arvan!
Infiniti is the luxury brand for America, Canada, and parts of Europe. I drive a G37S, otherwise known as the new Nissan Skyline 370GT to the rest of the world
The 350's don't come boosted neither do our G's, but they convert over rather easily from what I understand.
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel: