Long Trip, Lots of Shots, No Laptop -- Best Practices?
I'm sure this has been discussed on Dgrin, but I can't think of how to search for it effectively. I currently have two 8GB CF cards, but I am thinking of making an extended photographic tour this summer that would exhaust (++) that capacity. I do not have, and do not want, a laptop and don't intend to do PP on the road, so what I am looking for is the best way to deal with high volume shooting in these circumstances. One approach, obviously, is to buy more CF cards. But I've also come across these portable media storage devices that have LCD displays and more than enough storage capacity (40 GB and up) -- Epson, among others, makes them but seems to discontinue its models frequently.
What do you laptopless road warriors recommend?
And in general if people believe that there is no way to deal with this effectively OTHER than via laptop, I am receptive to logic.
What do you laptopless road warriors recommend?
And in general if people believe that there is no way to deal with this effectively OTHER than via laptop, I am receptive to logic.
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My old HD80 has been discontinued for a long time, just like my 20D and neither seems to care much. They just keep on working.
I'll add my voice to the chorus supporting the Hyperdrive units. I have one of the ColorSpace models and have been very happy with it.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
MY fear here is that I have already had some store burned cd's become corrupt and if one is on a very long journey they may very well become scratched........I am trying to get ovr 100 corrupt CD's recovered......professionally burned, triple checked and stored......now all are corrupt....Hmmmmmm. But they weren't Mitsui (Mam-A) Golds either.......
So I still think either a ton of CF cards or something like a Hyperdrive is the way to goooooooooooooo.:D
A hyperdrive could very easily crash or become corrupt too
I had a harddrive I had to make the determination on whether or not to pay to try and recover.
Chances are chances
Odds are odds
It's all relative...
There are several options- they all have a certain risk involved- just pointing out one that wasn't offered up yet.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Yes they can and I have also had to make that decision....still have the hdd's stored away.......
No media is fool proof.....none of it......:D:D:D maybe someday there will a NON-corruptable flash card in the 500gb range for $89.99....... I can hope can't can't I:ivar
Hardware like a Hyperdrive is a lot less likely to crash from a drop or constant bouncing in a pack when turned off than the same hardware turned on and dropped........I know htere are armored hdd.s out there that the military is using (armored, dust proof and waterproof...was designed for the Gulf War, but I have no clue if a Hyperdrive style is availble)......................
Link to my Smugmug site
I checked out the Hyperdrive website and liked what I saw (except for the prices maybe, but it's way cheaper than a MacBook Pro!). It's not very often that you get anything this close to consensus about a product, but that's comforting as well. I appreciate all your feedback.
It survived 10K photos in 22 days trip to Alaska, 8K photos in 18 days Europe holiday, 8K photos in 12 days trip to Tibet and similar in Shangrila.
I like it because of the built-in CF and SD card reader, the LCD can let me share photo with others and delete unwant photos. I can download the files while I am shooting in the field. It also allows me to organize the files by Date or theme. Sorting and re-arrange of the files are possible within the Epson 2000.
The cons of it are the size and battery life. The download time is a bit long, take almost an hour for a 4 GB CF card and the battery just enough for that 4GB download.
The newer model use the same LCD but just increase the HDD.
In order to safeguard the hard taking photos, I have 6 4G Extreme III CF cards. The card will not be erased till I need the space.
There are many other choices in the market but not all of them can review the photo or built-in card reader. CD burner usually run on AC and may not be ideal for on the road.
Hyperdrives are small and lighter.
I haven't done any long trips recently, so I've managed to get away with carrying lots of CF cards. The HyperDrive looks very interesting, but it is a hard drive and a single point of failure.
I don't wipe my CF cards now until I have copied the files to my computer plus placed a copy of the files in an off-site storage location.
I have had an external hard drive fail in the past - one copy of my photos is just not enough.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
the newer model P3000 with 40GB and P5000 with 80 GB are available in Epson website.